on June 23, 2016

on June 23, 2016

@Iceland_Mr.Puffin See More
@Iceland_Mr.Puffin See More
on June 23, 2016
on June 23, 2016

If this post gets six likes I will post my top ten favorite Qfeasters.
Startëd by @MobileDorkestra. You may repøst.
Startëd by @MobileDorkestra. You may repøst.
on June 23, 2016

Sorry I wasn't on but remember that when summer happens I won't be here all summer ;;
on June 23, 2016

on June 22, 2016

Like I'm not kidding but I actually should leave Qfeast
I only talk to 8 people on here so what's the use of this account...?
I only talk to 8 people on here so what's the use of this account...?

Woah, woah, woah! I know we don't talk much. But still think of the people you do talk with. How will they feel if you left? Also, I would love to get to know more people better, and I would absolutely love if you would be one of the people that I do get to know better. So, please don't leave. Or at least not for long.
on June 22, 2016
on June 22, 2016

5+ likes for
Are you:
•scared of the dark:
•scared of heights:
•scared of drowning:
•scared of losing someone: See More
Do you think:
•people talk about you behind your back:
•someone loves you (not including family):
•someone hates you:
•someone is reading this right now:
Have you:
•ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend:
•ever wanted to kill someone:
•felt lonely:
•cried your self to sleep:
•snuck out:
•gone to sleep with your clothes on:
Do you:
•like anyone:
•want a boyfriend/girlfriend:
•like your life:
•wish you could change something from the past:
•have a bestfriend:
•want a new best friend:
•like mustard:
•have a phone:
How many:
•siblings you got:
•tooth brushes you got:
•phone cases you got:
Are you:
•scared of the dark:
•scared of heights:
•scared of drowning:
•scared of losing someone: See More
Do you think:
•people talk about you behind your back:
•someone loves you (not including family):
•someone hates you:
•someone is reading this right now:
Have you:
•ever had a boyfriend/girlfriend:
•ever wanted to kill someone:
•felt lonely:
•cried your self to sleep:
•snuck out:
•gone to sleep with your clothes on:
Do you:
•like anyone:
•want a boyfriend/girlfriend:
•like your life:
•wish you could change something from the past:
•have a bestfriend:
•want a new best friend:
•like mustard:
•have a phone:
How many:
•siblings you got:
•tooth brushes you got:
•phone cases you got:
on June 22, 2016

on June 22, 2016

I feel lonely
on June 19, 2016

I rlly thought I was a butterfly so I got a little butterfly costume on and went onto a tree and standed up and yelled out "IM A BUTTERFLY" and that's when I fell off the tree
on June 17, 2016

on June 16, 2016