Meeting Mousepaw
Pebblestar called out for the clan to move out, and soon Amberpaw felt the forest around him. His mother Snowybranch was beside him asking him about his apprenticeship. Ravenaster was up ahead padding alongside Deermist, and Redclaw was bringing up the rear. "I'm going to the back to talk to Redclaw, ok?" Snowybranch licked Amberpaw around his ears as she disappeared behind cats. Amberpaw nodded and felt cold as he padded alone, if only there was more apprentices then he'd have a friend.
He felt relief when he saw the tree bridge, and he rushed to the front so he wouldn't have to wait. Amberpaw was laying down beneath a pine tree, none of his group was here. He understood why Longpaw and Mosspaw weren't here, next moon they'd come as warriors and Howlstar probably wanted to give different cats a chance. He had no idea why Flickpaw couldn't come, but Shadow Clan had a weird way of deciding who came. Amberpaw didn't really feel like meeting Chickenpaw's group, so he amused himself with listening to the cats around him. "Ay Greyfoot I bet I can tell ya what Lakestar gonna say" a shadow clan elder meowed. "An what would dat be?" Greyfoot grunted. "River Clan is in good shape" the shadow clan elder meowed. Greyfoot let out a displeased snort, but Little cough and a another Elder from Shadow clan laughed. Amberpaw didn't see what was so funny, but Lakestar certainly seemed to unpopular among Elders.
"Hey mopey face" Amberpaw shoot his head up at a voice, it was coming from a brown and white she-cat. "I'm Mousepaw from the one and only River clan" the she-cat went on, "Who are you?". In a squeaky, mocking voice Amberpaw meowed, "I'm Amberpaw from the one and only Thunder clan". Mousepaw huffed, "I don't sound like that!". "Well I can see why they named you Mouse" Amberpaw snickered. Mousepaw gasped, "I am nothing like a mouse! I am super big and my voice is super deep". While doing this Mousepaw deepened her voice and puffed out her fur to look bigger. Amberpaw laughed, "My mistake". "How old are you?" Mousepaw asked, "I'm seven moons today". "Nine moons" Amberpaw answered, "You're a new apprentice right?". Mousepaw shrugged, "I'll let Lakestar tell you". Amberpaw glanced up at the short brown leader, "Too bad it won't be a surprise". Mousepaw rolled her eyes, "My sister is Willowpaw, she's the light grey and black cat over there". "My sister is Chickenpaw and she's at camp, she didn't want to come to the gathering" Amberpaw meowed. "What?! The gathering is so cool, she must be crazy for passing it up" Mousepaw shook her head, "Though maybe it would be more fun if I a more enjoyable cat to hang out with". Amberpaw was taken aback, "Well then why don't you go scamper over to your sister?". Amberpaw stood up an walked over to his clan as the leaders howled for every cat to be quiet.
After the gathering Amberpaw laid in his nest, Chickenpaw next to him snoring. There was something about Mousepaw, he couldn't figure out what. But something about the brown eyed she-cat made him want to talk to her more, no matter how rude she was.
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