This is not fiction; this is not made-up or exaggerated; this is MY story of my high school life. I will include tips, tricks, and advice for your benefit. Take a step into my life as I guide you through high school.
Elleydpublished on September 03, 2014not completed
Take Note:
I don't want to load up the chapters too much but if you have a specific interest or question, feel free even encouraged to put it into the comments and I'll answer as fully and accurately as I can. I love giving advice so if you need any help whatsoever, just ask me anyway you want and don't be surprised if I start an advice column on this story ;)
We don't have sturdy hall. You have 6 50min lessons, and if you need to get work done (like I ALWAYS need to) you go to the library in your spare time (before school, lunch, after school) What the heck is ap history? We just have English. Or maths. Or geography. One word subjects.
Our lessons are split boys and girls except for pshce (don't do drugs, don't have sex without protection blah blah don't smoke, don't drink) which is in your form groups (the group you get registered with in the morning and afternoon (roll call...?)
Ok, guys, I know I haven't been adding to this but I promise I'll catch up my com has been acting up and typing in my iPad is ridiculous so I gotta wait :((
Not trying to discourage you, but Homecoming was a huge let down. I for one did not want to grind with the upperclassmen and neither did my friends so we just kind of stood in an awkward circle. I also didn't have a date. It was boring and awkward and I would have had just as much going to see a movie or doing something else with my girls. It could be different See More for you. So I say go if you want to go.
We had dinner at a friend's house, then went to homecoming. Dinner was by far the hightlight. Is that sad? I had fun, but not as much fun as I thought I would.
Excellent question: Phys Ed is pretty much everything they couldn't fit into the other classes combined. So for our first semester we're doing Health (Ugh I know right?!) then for the second semester we're going to be doing physical activities. We're also working on public speaking and driver's ed is next year. It doesn't look to rough and our coaches were cool See More so that was nice. What you wear is pretty much just a t-shirt and basketball shorts for the P.E. section. Great question and if you have anymore feel free to ask :D