to be free

to be free

5678 is the year now for you it is the future for me it's happening right now there is mostly tech now but there's a place free from that it's called Hawaii

published on March 27, 2015completed


truth I started walking towards it, but the tour guide from my last visit stepped in front of me.
"hello jenny are you lost?" she said
"um no i just need to get through to Hawaii" i said
"oh i can't let yo do that"
"why not we went there two days ago is something wrong"
"we only let people go in there once to have them never wanting to see it again"
"why it was so pretty"
"it was yucky and pure a disgrace to this decade" she started to get strict
"but can't i just see one more time"
"no it will have you against the government in no time"
"how would something so free make me against the government?"
"because you will want to leave and we will have one less worthy Ginny pig" she slapped her hand over mouth and i took a step back and then ran to the worm hole
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sorry that the chapter is so short
About Author
on March 27, 2015