What will they think

He walked over and poked her butt she yleped and looked around “MARSHEL were are you!” She siad she looked up and saw him “your lucky that you can flute or elas i would have done some thing to you” she siad.he flipped upside down “oh on i am so scared” she grabbed he head and kissed him “ haha just edmet it you are in love with me bad boy” she siad with a smirk. He was blushing and took a deep breath “ok i am in love with you” he siad “ i should be saying that to you good littel girl”
she smiled and kissed him agen “i am in love with you and i don't regret i-” than gumball came in holding a blue print “hey Marshall lee i a-...” “ahh what the heck gum ball!” Than Marshall lee sands in front of her “wait is that fionna in your shirt” he blushed “noooo what do you want any way” than gumball than walked over and pulled Marsha lee and saw fionna in only a shirt and undergarments “ahhhhhhhhh!” Gum ball blushed and fionna ran and hid behind the couch she than found her hat and put it on “fionna what were you doing here and i want a answers now”she sighed “only if you can get cake to come over here and give
me my shorts” he grabbed his phone “fine deal” Marshall lee floated over to her “are you gong to till him” she looked at him “ a modified version of it” he smiled “that is why i love you” she gigged than gumball put the phone back in his pocket and there was a knock at the door “i here i want to see my fionna” gumball open the door “hi fi i- WHY ARE YOU IN HIS SHIRT” she looked at her “ummm cake” “OH NO WHAT DID I TILL YOU ABOUT TH 20 TIEL I TOLD YOU NOT TO CROSS IT I TOLD YOU NOT TO CROSS IT” than gumball chimed in “not i get my explunashon” than mashall lee screeched “THAT IS ENUFF...now let her talk” fionna smiled at him and put her shorts on “ok so me and mashall lee wached a movie and i fell asleep after i woke up i was on the couch i out found that is stared to get sunny so he took me to his houes because it was closer and he did not want to die in the sun….than he told me he had whisky and i know that cake hate it whan i drink so i took to many drink and got drunk we woke up next to each other and here we are” than gumball walked over and punched Marshall lee in the face”ou my cheak meat” “WHAT THE F*CK I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIEND I TRUSTED YOU” than cake grabbed gumball “gumball he did nuthen this was all fionna she made the decision of being with him” fionna ran over to him to teamed to his injury “are you ok are you bleeding” he floated down to the ground and sat on the ground and pulled fionna with her “ i am fine fi” and than kissed her.gumball walked out side “so you really love him fionna” cake siad looking at fionna “yes i do” fionna Than kissed his cheek and cake take gumball back to his casel
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