The games

Marshall lee smiles and laghes “heh ok what game is it” his siad taking one last drink of his whisky “hehe truth of dare” he laughed “Isn't that game for kides” he siad “not if you are as playfull as you and me” he smiled and laughed “ok fi truth or dare” she smiled “dare” he smiled and the first thing that came to mind was for her to take her skirt off the entire game “i dare you to take you shirt off and you cant put it back on” she smiled drunckly and takes it off it was coved in bunnies “haha even you under wair is covered in bunnies” she blushed and laughed “hehe ok Marshall truth of dare” he smiled “dare give me your wores” she smiled “i dare you to kiss me and dont holed back haha h-”she was cut off form his kiss her and he pines her to the floor he than
puts his hand in her shirt he than picked her up and Flotes to his room and he puts her down on his bed fionna blushes “hey can you be gentle this is my frist time” he laughed and nods
he than than takes his shirt off and kiss fionna he than takes her shirt off and looked at her bra it was machine to her underwear covered in bunnies “you and bunnies” he than continued kissing her she flipped him over her he smiles and stopes kissing her “i have been waiting for this for a long time” he puts his hands be hind her back and unbutened her bra she blushed.he smiled and went back to kissing her but this time he was holding her boobs she moaned a littel but than Marshall lee stared to kiss her neak “i told you you i am a bad boy” he than put his hand down her under wair she moans and looked at he takes his hand out and takes his pants off she blushes by now she was no longer drunk from the whisky they drank she looked how he smiled in a devilesh way he than grabes a blanket and pulles it over them and takes his boxes off for once she saw a boy with nuthing on this was a shock to her she thought to her self i may have fallen for him not that this is not what love is.after 30 mins of… ‘doing it’ fionna and mashall lee were asleep the next day she woke up to mashall lee was in bed siting up wondering what had happened. She looked up at him “hi” mashall lee looked at her “did we…” she nodded her head yes he than smiled “and so are we…” she nodded yes agen “that was also….my frist” he was shocked that he took her vergenad “I did not know a girl like you I would think the guys would be all over you” she sighed “well they kind of are” he looked down and saw she undergarments “so bunnies huh haha” she blushed “well I think they are fluffy and cute” Marshall lee laughed and got up he put on his boxers and some pants he than left the room “i will let you get some clothes and if your clothes are dirty you can use my clothes” he siad with a smirk. She gets up and and looks at her clothes and undergarments are clean but not her clothes the were staned blood from her last mission that gumball sent her on. She walked over to his dresser the only thing that she liked and that fit her was his plad burden up shirt so she put her undergarments on and his button up shirt she cloud not find her hat she she left his room and then fionna looked through the livening room with out knowing Marshall lee walked in and saw her bending dowen
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