The "Golden" Terror

As they pulled up to the Pizzaria, Rett turned to him. “Ash?” Looking at him, he could see Rett’s eyes looked a bit glossy. “Hey, are you alright Rett?” Rett nodded, “ya.” He pulled the front of Ash’s shirt and kissed his lips passionately.
A bit surprised but he willingly leaned into it and let himself be swept away into the kiss. Several minutes ticked away as they stayed inside the car. 12:00am coming closer. Finally breaking away, Ash looked at the dash board. The green glow of his dashboard was the only light. It seemed most of the lights broke in the parking lot. That didn’t bode well with him. “We better get inside.”
Rett sighed, he didn’t want to go and deal with the animatronics, but at least he wasn’t alone to do it. Opening the door they passed the front cashier and desk and headed to the security office. Nothing had moved off stage yet, Bonnie, Freddy, Chica were still in place. “So where is Mangle stored?” Rett pointed to the spare party room. “The kids play with her in Party Room 4.” “I see…” Rett made sure the curtains were shut. “Foxy will come out no doubt.”
Asher sighed as he straightened his hat. “Did I hear a clang?” Rett looked around, Mangle hadn’t moved and neither did the other animatronics. “I don’t understand…” –It can’t be him- He panicked inside, but remained calm and collective outside.
Taking a slice of pizza, asher took a few bites. “I’ll check it out.” Rett watched nervously as Asher grabbed a flash light and pulled out his gun. “I’ll be back. Watch the cameras and alert me if you see anything.” “I will.”
He wheeled to the cameras, watching them like a hawk. Fear surged through his veins as Asher showed up on Cam 2 as he walked down the hallway. Ash went into the main room and walked around. Another clang echoed.
Whipping around he pointed his gun at the back room. “What the hell?” Ash walked slowly to the back room, being careful not to make any sounds. He showed up on Cam 1B. Suddenly it glitched and showed only static. “Ash!” Rett stood up afraid. “Asher answer me!”
Ash grabbed his walkie talkie, “I’m here still Rett. I’m gonna check the back room.” He put his hand on the door hand, it felt ice cold. “what the hell?” The hair on his neck stood on end as the temperature around dropped instantly.
“Murderer….die…” Asher gulped and threw the door open aiming his gun in the room. Nothing was there. He looked around the room. The spare heads were on the shelves and the bodies on the table still. “I forgot how creepy this room is…”
The door slammed shut, making Ash jump and aim his gun at the door.
“Die…. Punish. Die.”
Asher heard the walkie talkie go off, but it screeched before dying completely and his breath showed in the coldness. “Shit…”
A clang was behind him, Asher turned around and faced a set of red eyes. It came from a golden bear suit. “What the hell!!?” He backed away and pointed his gun at him. “Which one are you!!???”
Rett saw him on the camera and the golden suit. “No….Golden Freddy. ASHER!!” The camera went out as a demonic scream transmitted through the walkie talkie. Rett ran out from the office towards the back room. Bonnie blocked the hallway. “God dammit! Get out of my way Bonnie!” Rett pulled out his knife and slashed at Bonnie’s chest, sliding under him and towards Asher. He struggled with the door knob. “Ash! Ash! ASHER!!” He shook the door violently. “Open dammit!!”
Finally he fell forward and into the room. He looked around, there was blood in the room but no Golden Freddy and no Asher.
Rett’s heart pounded in his chest as he looked around frantically returning to the main room. “Ash!” HE couldn’t breathe. “Why? Why him!?” –what did he do to Asher?- Rett checked the other hallway but no sign of Ash. He turned hearing running, Foxy was coming at him. “Shit!” Rett jumped on to the table and ran across them avoiding Foxy. He ran to the left hallway but Bonnie was blocking the door to the office.
“Damn you to hell!” Rett screamed as his eyes flickered yellow and he turned in time to punch Foxy. Angry and fearful he ran to the kitchen, but Ash wasn’t there either. He checked the bathrooms, but only saw Chica there. “They are out in full force…” Rett stopped running and walked towards the office holding the knife threatening anything nearby.
“I’ll murder you….I will do it again dammit! Bring him back!” Going to the end of the right hallway he opened the door to the utility room. He flicked the light on and dropped the knife. His eyes widened and filled with tears.
He ran to him, tears streaming down his face. Asher was on the ground in a pool of blood. His leg was broken, and blood dripped from the corners of his mouth and the side of his head. Rett held him close.
“I’m so sorry Ash…please don’t be dead. Please…oh god.” He cried, holding him closer. “don’t die.”
A groan escaped from Asher as he moved slowly. “R-r-rett?” Rett opened his eyes and looked down at him. “Ash!” He touched his cheek, “stay with me.” Ash smiled at him, “I’m not going anywhere…What was that?”
Rett went quiet. “That was Golden Freddy.” “I’ve never seen him, are there anymore animatronics you haven’t told me about?” Rett shook his head. “No, that’s the last one.”
Asher nodded slowly, “well he’s the biggest asshole of them all.” Rett smiled, “Yeah, he is.” Ash touched Rett’s face. “You were crying. I told you, I’m not going anywhere.” Leaning in Rett kissed his lips softly, “you better not.”
Asher smirked, and struggled to get up. “Easy…” Rett helped him up carefully, and brought him back to the office and shut the doors. “We are gonna bunk up in here tonight. Its 3. We’ll make it.”
Smiling, Ash watched Rett fuss over him and watch the cameras. –he’s changing, softening more and more.- Rett walked over and wrapped up his leg. “We are heading to the hospital after. Ok?” “yeah.”
6 am came and Jeremy walked in. “What on earth?” He stared at Ash’s leg in shock. Asher gave Jeremy the thumbs off. “Just the usual, occupational hazards.”
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