Locked away

After awhile of sitting awkwardly with these people I had never met my therapist came and got me, he was a very kind guy. He was funny and seemed like he meant well, like a trust worthy person, but that's the thing he was a guy. How could I open up to a male? I'd never been close to someone of the opposite sex especially to share my deep dark thoughts in which I had never told anyone. So my anxiety shut me up and screwed me over in which I couldn't talk at all, just turn bright red. My therapist asked the basic question first that everyone was dying to know 'why are you here?' I was embarrassed to say it do they not realize it's hard for some of us, eventually he got me to confess I'm here because I want to kill myself. Why he asked I awkwardly shrugged my shoulders, he eventually gave up on the touchy topic and used his psychology knowledge trying to get me comfortable, he talked about how I was the first person who ever sat in the chair I choose to sit in and he thought it was interesting. Eventually the awkward therapy session was over back to the even worse other room. I won't continue to bore you with strenuous amounts of details of the 6 worst days of my life.
Everything was on a schedule, but sense I arrived on a weekend it was a little crazy. They weekend staff were jerks even my therapist said so. Admittedly I met some amazing friends at that awful place, people who I'm grateful for having a chance to spend a few days with they made it worth it. I met this girl named Shay she was very nice, she was the first person to really be my friend she friended me by telling me she wasn't as weird as the rest. Our personalities went great together eventually we became friends with this other girl Kat, we made it through this shit together.
One of the nicest things about all this was I'd never had a friend who understood my suicidal thoughts so I never had anyone to talk to. I've always let my feelings build up until I exploded causing me to in the situation I am. After all the annoying medicine and daily dr and therapist visits I finally got excepted to leave the day agree Kat, poor Shay had another week without us and I hope it went well for her.
After the place life was even worse...
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That. Was. Awesome! I like this story!!