Getting help

That April day was really hard for me emotionally, mentally, physically, I had reached my absolute zero, all time low. Teachers came to me crying telling me my life was important as if they even cared considering the only reason they came to me was to ease their guilt of not noticing how messed up I actually was. I felt like a depressed freak considering I had felt this way forever yet no one even noticed just because one person wronged me others started to realize maybe I'm a trigger warning.
Sorry for rambling anyways.. That awful day I Road the bus home and instantly went into my room and started bawling, so much constantly for hours to the point I was heaving and my eyes were swollen to where I could barely see. My mom finally came home from work and called my sister in which I never got to see because she was so caught up in her life she didn't even worry about mine, but once again guilt weighed on her so she drove to try and fix me. (That's one thing I've always hated, you can be absolutely broken yet no one notices until it's too late, humans act on guilt pretending to be love.) Anyways my sister tried to force what was wrong with me out of me with ice cream, but how could I eat when I was disgusted with life and myself. How could I talk about what was killing me inside I had pondered on it all day how would bringing it back up help? My family acted upon which my therapist said was best and put me in a mental health hospital (on patient.) That late night I drove to my sisters home town and cried on her couch until it was morning and time to go to the place.
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That. Was. Awesome! I like this story!!