
Nobody was there, no one was there to grab me, no one was there to pull me. I inhaled the wine scented air sharply and looked around. A shadow was in the corner, it wasn't very tall. I couldn't make out much, other than the fact that the shadow was moving, and wasn't mine. "Ash...yo if that's you hiding in the corner...come out yeah?" I said as I stood up, slightly tightening my grip on Emma. Okay, plan this out. If that IS Ashley, punch her in the fuc king face. If that isn't Ashley but she doesn't move, dash the fuc k upstairs and pray to fuc king Andy that she doesn't run faster. Don't fall like those bitches in the movies, and don't scream like a bitch. My mother wouldn't have done this, she's too much of a wimp to hide in the shadows.
I watched as the shadow moved again. I could make out hair swaying with her movements. It was long and straight. "Ash....come on that's a dick move." I said, and quickly decided that was a bad idea. The shadow moved again, but this time it turned around. Where her face should be seemed like it extended, like her was opening her mouth. But...a jaw can't...drop that far. I gulped roughly and quickly decided to run for it."Yeah okay I get it you want some alone time ahaha. Yeah I'll just leave now I hope you have a nice day!" I shouted as I dashed upstairs, ripping open the door then slamming my back against it.
"Holy fuc king shit." I said to myself. "Hey there you are, I just wanted to say that....what the shit is that?" She asked as she pointed to the doll. I held it up and gently pressed my head against the door. "I found it...and there was someone downstairs." I said, Ash looked down at my chest. "Your shirt is scratched." I made the infamous Nicolas Cage face. "You don't say? I couldn't tell by the throbbing feeling and the feeling of glass stuck in my boobs." I said, she made a face. "What even happened?" She asked as she checked her nails. "Well, I was getting away from you because you ruined my life-" She slightly looked up, then back at her nails. "-and I went downstairs and there is a wine cellar down there. So I was reading the bottles and I fell though one of the holder things and wine fell all over me." I said, she snickered. "That explains why you smell like wine." She dropped her hand and looked at me. "Okay yeah yeah but whatever. Now, when I looked around there was this small area. Once I grabbed the doll, I was dragged out. I thought it was fuc king you." I said swaying the doll at Ash, who stepped back and made a face when a few droplets flew around.
"Oh you faker." She huffed once she looked away from the shit on the ground. "Eh." I almost dropped Emma. "You're just faking it, now shut up and stop acting." She huffed as she stuck her chin up. "You have a picture of a HEAD in the TOILET!" I shouted, swaying Emma in the process. "Yeah okay, you're cleaning that up. Also, what are you talking about? I don't have anything like that. God you're weird." She made a face as she began to go upstairs. I followed her with my eyes, disbelief and shock covered my face. This little...she had....of this son of a bitch. She's trying to act as if nothing happened. This little fuc k.
"I know you have a picture Ash, I'm not stupid." I muttered as I removed my back from the door. I slightly looked at Emma. I should probably clean her. No, not probably, I am going to clean her. I'm getting sick of her smelling terrible. I lightly touched her check and ran my finger down to her chin. I looked back at the door. There was someone down there. Or...something. Whatever it was, it was going to have to kiss my ass because I'm not going to be victim of Jack shit. I stuck my tongue out at the door and began to walk upstairs. I looked back at Emma.
Was it just me, or did her expression slightly change?
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Otherwhise I'm gonna have chlaustrophobia infested dreams for the rest of my life