
A large sign with the word Bellitudo written on it. Next to it was a bag filled with rice.
"So this is beauty camp..." I said quietly.
"I'm excited! Survivor Aequor! This is going to be awesome!" A girl with blonde hair raved.
I smiled at her enthusiasm. "I'm Makena." I said introducing myself. The blonde smiled. "My name is Lillian!"
A guy walked up to us. "Making alliances quickly huh?" he seemed to stare the pair of us down.
"I certainly don't want in on THIS." he said with a sneer. I glared at him.
"Someones feeling confident." I muttered.
"Back off the girls, no need to make enemies the first day." another guy said stepping in front of us.
I blushed seeing him stand up for me and Lillian. "You didn't need to do that."
"It's fine. My name is Alec by the way." the guy said.
Our conversation was soon interrupted. "I don't know about you guys, but I certainly need a shelter for the night." a girl with long brown hair announced.
We all agreed. "I can gather some bamboo with Makena!" Alec announced. "I'll go with them." Lillian added.
Brunette girl nodded. "I'm Sarah by the way." "Nice to meet you." I said.
"My name's Amber." said a girl with auburn hair.
"Amber, why don't you and Sarah go gather coconuts?" I asked. "I'll go with them." Patrick interjected.
I restrained myself from rolling my eyes. That jerk would try and make an alliance with them! He'd ruin my plan! I wanted to make an alliance with Alec and Lillian. I was also hoping by pairing up Sarah and Amber to gather the coconuts they might ally with each other. Then my alliance could hopefully ally with their alliance and take Patrick out when we went to Tribal Council if we lost an Immunity Challenge.
Amber and Sarah seemed like nice people, I hoped they would restrain from allying with Patrick.
"Okay sure." I said. Amber, Sarah, and Patrick went off to get the coconuts. Lillian, Alec, and I went to go gather materials for our shelter...
When I arrived at camp there was a sign the read Apris. Next to it was a bag full of rice.
"Survivor Aequor! Brawn tribe!" a tall, muscular girl with olive skin said excitedly.
"We better start building shelter, we'll need something over our heads in case of rain." a boy with shaggy brown hair and hazel eyes mentioned.
I nodded in agreement. "How about the guys get building materials and girls get coconuts?" I supplied.
"Great idea!" a girl with curly blonde hair agreed. "Shouldn't we introduce ourselves?" a guy with brown hair and a friendly smile asked.
"I'm Alexis, but you can all call me Lexi." I said.
"My name's Sophia." said the girl with the olive skin.
"I'm Maria." the blonde girl said.
"Allan's my name." the guy with shaggy brown hair told us.
"I'm Rick." said the man with the brown hair and the friendly smile.
"And I'm Derek." A man with blonde hair added.
We talked for a minute or two, mostly just assigning orders.
Since it turned out Maria could cook, she was given the job of making our first meal once the food was collected.
The men left to get bamboo and I went with the girls to get food.
"After a minute or two, I saw something. "Guys! I found a mango tree!" I cried out in triumph. The other girls rushed over.
"They're ripe!" Maria commented. Sophia grabbed one, peeled it, and took a bite. "And they're delicious."
We gathered as many as we could carry and brought them back to camp. We took a lot of the mangoes.
Soon the guys came back with bamboo. Allan was holding coconuts. "Guess what I found? COCONUT TREE!" he said excitedly.
"And I found a bunch of branches for firewood!" Rick added excitedly.
The other girls and I went with the guys for more bamboo. Soon we had a large supply.
We began to build our shelter. We made a floor with bamboo and some basic walls. We couldn't stand, only sit once we made the roof.
The shelter looked OK, not as good as it could be though. Maria cooked some rice and cut up the mangoes. We used coconut shells as bowls.
Our shelter was sturdy, but not very comfortable. Though at least we had good food!
I walked up to my new home for a while. A large sign had the word "Callidus" Written on it.
"We need shelter." A man who looks to be in his late-thirties commands us.
"Slow down, shouldn't we learn each other's names first?" A girl wavy brown hair says hair says.
"I'll start." I say "I'm Raven." I announce and point to the man who had spoken earlier "And you are?"
"Bryan." He says.
"I'm Mike." another man adds. He looks to be the same age as Bryan.
"Dawn" Says the girl who had suggested we get to know each other.
"My name is Sakura." Adds another girl who looks to be a bit older than me.
"And I'm Crystaline." The last girl says.
"Now let's get materials for our shelter." Mike says.
"I can go get some food." Sakura says.
"I'll help you." I suggests Dawn and they walk off into the direction of the trees. Probably forming an alliance.
"I'll go with Mike and get materials for the shelter." I announce.
"I'll try to start a fire." Bryan says "I used to be a boy scout." He then sets off to look for branches.
"Let's go." I say to Mike.
If I'm lucky we could start an alliance then try to get another person to join.
"What should I do?" Crystaline asks.
"How about you try to find a water source?" I suggest.
"Great idea." She replies and heads off.
I hope that this will go well.
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