The beginning

Back to the present my mom and I are going on a trip to the forest I'm really excited it's gonna be my first time out in three years! (At the forest). Me "Wow the trees are so tall". Mom " Yah do you know what there called". Me " Pine trees". Mom "Very good". Both hear crying. Me " Is that crying". Mom "Yes" Me "let's go check it out". Follows the crying Me "Oh my gosh a baby" Mom "who would just leave a baby here. "Oh no I'm getting hungry" I think to my self. "Control it control it control it" Still thinking to myself. I say "I Can't Control It"! I devour My mother and the baby get all bloody and pass out.
(Three hours later).
Hears footsteps and hides in a hollowed out tree. Male voice " Ugh I was on patrol yesterday. Higher male voice "come on It's not that bad jeffy". Female voice "he told you not to call him that to-". First male voice "what is it lazari". Female voice "I smell human ... A female ". Please don't find me. I think to myself. Female voice "I know your in that hollow tree you can come out". I slowly come out and see three people then it all goes black.
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