The flames of blood (this is long so get comfortable)

to be honest I've had visions of something like this but
I could never make out what they were saying.
As I released I needed a weapon I grabbed the longest and sharpest
knife I could find.
~No wait,stop I can't show up with a knife in my hand like
I'm going to kill the person! I'm 5 years old but good thing I'm a
smart kid~
I hesitated for a moment but continued to grab the knife and stuffed
it in my pocket.
~just in case I need to use it~
I walk out the front door a start heading to the abandoned warehouse.
-----12:40 pm-----
I was just about there when I see a cop car.
~oh no I can't let them see me! If they do they'll ask to see my parents
and they'll send me straight back home.I can't let them interfear.~
Thinking quickly, I ran behind a large trash can and some old boxes in a ally.
As the cop car passed by, I breathed heavily.
Then I hear the sound of a car door being shut.
~oh no! The cops! They heard me!~
I said in a whisper.
I sat very still, trying not to make a sound.
~Umf....I thought I saw something?~
The man said.
I peaked to see what the man looked like.The man had fluffy light blonde hair, and diamond blue eyes.
The man what looked like was glowing!
I closed my eyes. I could feel a warm light, like when you are cold and you
get in the sun, that feeling.
~Hey Mr.visions, we got to get going your wasting your time.~
~It wasn't a vision! It was real, I know it.~
The blonde haired cop seemed to be very confident on finding Lilly.
I closed my eyes and prayed they would go away soon,real soon.
The blonde haired man sighed and when back in the car and drove away.
~ok that was weird! As soon as I prayed they went away.~
I was confused at the idea of that actually working.
I looked at my watch.
~ahhhhh 12:53 oh no I have to get there fast!
I hope I can get there in time~
I cried at the thought of my parents being murdered.
When I got to the warehouse I was out of breath.
~12:58 please be still alive.~
I moved slowly, I need some time to catch my breath.
-------meanwhile in the warehouse-------
~Okay, are going to cooperate now that your going to die!~
There was a man and a women tied up to a wooden pole.
The man and the women were beaten up so hard they couldn't move.
There was a pool of blood it was all over the place, there faces, there body's, and the walls.
~hehehehe oh I will get that code even it means killing your kid.~
The women began to cry with her husband trying to calm her down.
The man then pointed a gun and cocked it to get the couple's attention.
The women quickly looked up to see a gun pointing straight at her head.
~Time to die!~
----------Lilly's P.O.V----------
I'm right out side the door,I can hear crying and screaming.
It must be my mom screaming.
Suddenly I hear a gun shot.
I cover my mouth, i start to cry.I bite my tongue to hold in the pain.
~I made a promise...a promise to save them....there not going to die!~
Then I feel some kind of weird feeling.I ignore it.
I cry weakly. I clutch my fist.Then I push open the door.
All there heads spin to the door way.
~Good you came, but a little too late,well i guess for your mum that is.~
The man gave a cold twisted smile.
My spine shivered at the site of this.
I looked over to my parents, my dad was still alive, my mum dead.
I cried even harder at the site of my mum's cold limp body,
with a bloody hole that went from her front to the back of her head.
My dad looked at me. He whispered some words i couldn't hear.
~mummy, daddy!!! Are you okay! Look i'm here, you're going to be okay!~
My dad smiled weakly.
~h-ho honey it's- it's going to be- be okay.
i'm proud of y-yo-you to com-come here,I-I love yo-...
As I cried my father's heart stopped beating into a dead silents.
The man grinned and aimed a gun and my crying limp body.
I looked over to him.
~you-you kill them.....why.....I came didn't I !!!! DIDN'T I !!!!
The man's grin formed to a mad and and twisted smile.
I hesitated. I thought he was going to do something crazy!
In till he say something so freak'n scary! (DEAR GOD you will pee your pants if some said this to you okay!)
First he started to laugh, then the laugh formed in to a insane laugh, then he took out a detonation botten.
~If your alone then i should just kill you now! If i don't have the code might as well GO TO HELL!!!!~
I was forced to leave my parents sides, so I stood up and ran out the door.
I could hear he's insane laugh as I stepped out the door.
Next thing i know the warehouse exploded!
My vision went black.....
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But the last name well....... I just like it