The Ghost of the Unknown Deep

suddenly, there was a criminal running through the woods away from the police and the blood soon as the criminal ran farther into the woods, the landscape became darker and darker till he realized that he had lost them...
The criminal begin to smirk evily and laughed, "Heh, foolish cops...There's no way that you'll find me now!!!"
The criminal begin to sigh as he layed by the pine trees... suddenly, he heard a broken stick... he jolts up and yelled, "Who goes there?"
There was no respond... then the criminal pulled out a bat and yelled, "Come out, come out wherever you are, you pesky varmint! Come on show your self, I ain't afraid of you!"
After that... everything went quite... suddenly, he heard something breathing behind him... he begin turn around slowly and realized that nothing was there... so he decided to looked of what's in front of him... when he first turned around of what's in front of him... there was a strange figure with an eye glowing and a creepy smile across it's face with razor sharp teeth as it started to roar at him with a screeching howl... the criminal's eyes begin to widen within terror and screamed as everything went black...
Right after that, the cops and the blood hounds has finally found the criminal... the criminal was tied with some rope that was rapped around the tree with an Apple in his mouth with a scared look on his face... the police was confused, wondering of how did this happen...
Suddenly the first cop noticed that there was a note sitting by the criminal, then he said, "Guys, you might want to take a look of this!" They came over and saw the letter and it said, "Take this person away at once..."
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