Chapter Four

(Third year)
I woke to the sound of my alarm going off. BEEP. BEEP. BEEP.
I slammed my hand down on the off button. Today was the first day of my third year, so I was going to try to not be late. (Again)
I threw back the maroon cover of the warm bed, and hurriedly put on my slippers. Grabbing my school robes off the counter, I rushed into the bathroom. It took me five minutes to adjust the sweater, robe, red tie, and black pants.
I applied my usual thin line of black eyeliner, overload of mascara, and baby pink-waterproof lipstick. My dark brown/ blonde om-bred hair I straightened, but left down, hanging at my waist.
I rushed out of the bathroom, thinking I was late, but three people were still in the dorm, rushing about. I grabbed my black, gold-studded book bag that I had pre-packed the night before with every book I would need that day, and rushed down into the Gryffindor common room.
I stopped halfway to the door. Seamus was calling me.
"Juliana! Wait up!" He called in his thick Irish accent.
I looked up at him as he reached my side. I was barely up to his shoulder.
"Hey! I didn't see you last night! What's up?" I said to him.
"Nothin." He said as we walked toward the Great Hall. "First day, huh? Who do you have first?"
I pulled my schedule out of my bag. "Uggggggg. Snape. Hate him. What 'bout you?"
"Same. Our favorite teacher, right?" We both laughed. "See you around Sylva!" He said as he jogged towards Dean.
"Bye Finnegan!" I called.
After a couple more minutes of walking, I reached the Great Hall, and stepped through the doors, searching for Hermione or Ginny.
Seeing neither of them, I plopped down next to Harry.
"Hey." I said, piling sausage and toast on a plate.
He looked up from a large plate of eggs and bacon. "Hey Juliana." He looked down again.
"Okayyyy. Whats wrong? Prophecy? Teacher? Friend? Moldy Eggs? Girl Trouble? WHAAAAAATT?" I asked.
Harry looked up with a slight smile, and re-adjusted his glasses. "None. Just Malfoy."
"Ah. " I replied. "Well, just so you know, he goes into the category of 'Moldy Eggs'" I joked.
He laughed slightly. We talked more about the classes, and the teachers, then we both heard the bell, and we hurried away to our classes.
"Now, who can tell me exactly how to breed scaliworms with the blood snail?" Snape asked in his cold, slow, monotone voice. As usual, I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about, but Hermione's hand shot into the air.
"No one?" He asked. This was the eighth time he had ignored Hermione in the past hour.
Finally, I had enough. "Okay, listen." I yelled, standing up suddenly, knocking over the cauldron on Ron and I's table.
"Juliana! Sit down. " Ron whispered, but I ignored him.
"Hermione has had her hand up for the past f*cking hour! She is the smartest student here and if your too dim and stupid to realize that, maybe you should quit and save us all from another minute with you!" I yelled into Snape's appalled face. I was walking out the door when Snape's voice yelled,
"Miss Sylva! You shall NOT speak to me in such a disgraceful manner! Twenty points from Gryffindor!" He said.
But I turned, unafraid, and gave him a disgusted look. "Oh, go f*ck yourself."
I turned my back and stormed out.
There was still half and hour left to first period, and the halls were deserted, everyone still in class. I ran toward the Gryffindor common room. I knew I wouldn't be expelled. I had acted up far worse than this before, but I would definitely get at least two weeks of detention. Most student would get a month, but I got off easy, usually. I had extreme ADHD, not to mention dyslexic and always, extremely hyper.
I crashed on the couch in front of the fire place, and tossed my bag on the ground.
Great. First class on the first day to a new year and I gotta bomb it. Snape was being such a jerk, though.
I hear a door open and I expect it to be a teacher, telling me about my future detention, but it's just Ron.
He doesn't say anything, just sits next to me on the couch. Finally, after almost twenty minutes, he speaks.
"Listen, I don't think you did anything wrong. I wanted to do the same thing."
I smile, thankful for the support. "Thanks, Ronald Billius Weasley." I always teased him about his middle name, ever since I found out what it was, i had sworn an oath never to tell anyone "especially Hermione."
When people start entering the common room for Study Hall, I know I have to leave for my next class. Ron goes to Transfiguration, and I head outside for Herbology.
I was the only Gryffindor third year in the class, so I got the joy and pleasure and honor of listening to Malfoy's snide, cutting remarks alone. Finally, I told him to shut the hell up, but thankfully, Professor Sprout didn't hear me. She was particularly strict about saying unkind things to others.
Then came the worst part of my day. (And trust me, that is definitely saying a lot.) Transfiguration. Usually, I like Professor McGonagall's class, but definitely not today. The first thing she did was hand out textbooks. Of course, that was bad news for me, because I couldn't read. (dyslexic, if you recall.) I was sitting in the front row on the very far right, and she decided to have read out loud. She started on the left, thank goodness, so I at least would have time to come up with a pathetic excuse to leave before my turn came. For some reason, I just could not possibly think up one in time.
"Juliana? Will you read the next paragraph about the History of Transfiguration?" McGonagall asked. I racked my brain for anything about the History of Transfiguration. A couple things came up.
"Um, Transfiguration began in Medieval times, when wizards were forced to turn creatures into gold for the royal families..." I began to say.
"Are you on the right page, dear? I said page six." McGonagall said, looking at my book. She pointed to a paragraph.
"We are right there. Please follow along." she said.
I tried again. "The definition of Transfiguration..."
"Juliana! I will not ask you again! Read the correct paragraph!" she exclaimed.
"I apologize, Miss Sylva, please sit down." She replied, her tone serious.
I realized then that I had stood up in anger. "UUUGGG!!!!" I yelled and walked out.
At last, after thirty minutes of sitting in Dumbledore's office, listening to him talk about why I should not misbehave, lunchtime came and I could go.
I walked down the halls, feeling incredibly miserable about the first day, when lo and behold, the only person I didn't want to see comes up.
"Thinking about how to get kicked out of your next class are you, Sylva!" The taunting voice of Malfoy rang out and made me stop.
That was the last time. I whirled around, marched up to Malfoy and pinned him against the wall with my forearm, yanking out my wand and jabbing it into the side of his throat. HARD.
He coughed/chocked as I panted in anger. "Listen, shit brain. I am finished listening to all your crap. If you want to talk to me, let it be when I get to punch you in face, because that's all I really want to do right now and you better pray that someone comes and stops me before I do."
Just then, I felt a harsh tug on my shoulder. "Come on, Juliana, he's not worth it." I hear Seamus's sharp accent and turn.
"Yeah, you better walk away." I heard Malfoy whisper after we are about ten feet away.
"That tears it." I mumbled. I marched back up and slapped him across the face as hard as I could, happy that I had decided to wear three big rings that day.
Seamus is already with me, pulling me away. I tug once and spit at Malfoy's feet, then allow Seamus to literally pick me up like a baby and take me away.
When Malfoy is out of sight, he puts me down.
"That was extremely unnecessary. " I huffed as my feet hit the floor, and I brushed off my robe.
"Actually, I think it was. Anyways, Filch was coming, and you weren't about to stop, and plus your as light as a baby, so it kinda worked out. " He smiled.
I roll my eyes. That's one more thing about me. I am the shortest third year in the school. Plus most of the second and some of the first years are taller than me. I am four foot nine and a half, making me about a little less than a foot shorter than all my friends. Also, Seamus is probably my best friend and he's five foot eight. I loathe it.
We walk down to the Great Hall together in silence. Finally he asks, "Are you going to Hogsmede next week?"
"Yeah." I say. Since I live with the Weasleys, Molly signed my permission slip to go to the "Wizard Mall" as I call it.
"Cool. See ya Sylva. And DON"T TALK TO MALFOY!" He says as he walks away.
"IF I ENCOUNTER HIM, THERE WON'T BE MUCH TALKING INVOLVED!" I yell back, and he turns and smiles.
*Author Note* Yes, this chapter is FINALLY DONE! I AM SO HAPPY! I am gonna work on the next chapter later. PLEASE leave comments and give me ideas and things I will definitely try to respond! LOVE YOU ALL THAT ARE READING THIS!
xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxooxoxoxoxoo- Chasity
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