
Cyrra was rushing to get ready for school so she could avoid the awkward pause when she entered the classroom. "Mom I'm going to school!" she calls as she dashes out the door and runs to school. It's a pretty uneventful day and Cyrra makes it home without bumping into any classmates, Yay! As she went upstairs to change and wash up for dinner her mom called her down to 'have a talk' and Cyrra gulped. "Uh oh what did Sylvia do this time..." Cyrra mumbles to herself as she walks down to her mother who immediately makes her sit down "Cyrra, honey you know that you have some, issues, right? And you know that I love you more than anything in the whole world right?" Her mother said with tears in her eyes "Y-yes mommy. Why are you crying?" Cyrra asked perplexed, Her mother ignores the question and keeps talking. "Cyrra it is because I love you that I'm doing this OK?" Her mother asks "O-ok what's going on mommy?" Cyrra asks starting to get scared "Cyrra I'm putting you in a mental ward until you get Sylvia under control." her mother says matter-of-factly "Mommy no! Please! I don't wanna go away!" Cyrra cries as people come and pick her up kicking and screaming "NO! NO! NO!" Cyrra screamed. Then her eyes went dark and something changed inside her, She lost a piece of her soul I guess. That's when Sylvia came out to play.
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