Anything come to life

Yameilette:what is it
John:I know this machine it can bring anything to life like the trapper from dead by daylight or put you into a suilmation of a game or even worst spiders from the mist that's why there's good tech here keeping the killers locked here for entity were screwed
Pulse:this isn't good let's find weapons quick
Jack:she's right but let's stay together
John:×grabs a flashlight and puts it down the hallway×oh my god what was that
Gray windower:×shoots a web×
John:run its a gray windower×runs×
White:what the heck is that
John:it's from the TV series book and movie they shoot acid webs so be careful
White:got it that means no hits
Keinoa:I hate to say but we have to spilt up if we stay we'll be a easy to die
Samantha:are you crazy we got acid spiders chasing us
Pulse:less taking more running just do it Samantha listen to Keinoa I know he's right
×everyone spilts up×
Samantha:×takes out hers ice Kanata and slashes a spider×
Few minutes pass by and all the spiders are gone
Soren:hello anyone were are you guys show up please this isn't funny and don't do any pranks
John:×holding a double barrel shotgun×they aren't remember we all ran in different directions
Soren:right but we're is everyone it's not a big camp
John:nope you're wrong this is the size of 30 football flides
Soren:what the hell anyone can get lost here on there 1st day
John:true I almost got lost my dad took me out of here
Soren:oh then let's go find the rest
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