The camp site

Soren:×comes out of the car×wow I never seen this camp
Jack(my character):well of course you never been here only people in this group who have been here are me and yameilette also Samantha
Soren:so why did you not get everyone else
Jack:there busy lucky didn't pick up silver don't her about her Jason is in the army keinoa he's president everyone else I don't know
White:kinda sad there not here
Hydro:×drops off more people×
Yameilette why are you here
Hydro:I said I can come maybe not I wasn't gonna be here fully like I'm 100% correct
Ellie:×looks shy×
Flame:can we just get this over with
James:I don't feel safe×press button and the gates opens×
White:why are we doing this
Hydro:we need answers to this place of what happen god damm gotta miss the rest of the crew also some friends are dead if we die I'm blaming myself
James:uh why?
Hydro:I got ourself into this and if we see anyone one of our friends a zombie someone else kill them
Yameilette:if you want so and don't complain what we did that you wanted us to do got it
Hydro:got it×takes out a machete×I'm ready
The gate closes
Samantha:shit! God Damm it this isn't a horror movie were the main cast gets locked
Red:hey a locker×open it and a dead body falls on her×ew ew ew!×gets it off of her×
Hydro:are you okay sister
Red:yeah I'm fine
Hydro:good but who's dead body is that
Jack:hey its keinoa's
White:what hydro but you said he was president remember
Hydro:I did but what happen
Pulse:I can feel his pulse
Keinoa:×gasp really loud×oh my god ×coughs out water×what the hell stupid fu×king water I hate this
Yameilette:keinoa hydro said you're were president in the human world
Keinoa:I was but I got here stuck in this camp someone knocked me out and it was game over they thought I was dead but yay miracles happened yay
Yameilette:um okayyyyyyy???????? I just don't get it
Keinoa:me either man it's very weird anyways were in deep trouble and we need to get out of here quick and fast
Keinoa:well all die duh
Samantha:it's locked keinoa
Keinoa:what!×throws his b a at the gate and it goes back and hits himself×ow!×falls down×
Keinoa:×laying on the ground and points the finger at John×go die
×everyone laughs at keinoa×
Keinoa:well we're stuck here we need a way out also I gave all of us 3 lives that's all we can get every 10000 kills is new life got it
Everyone:got it
Keinoa:okay let's go find something to unlock this door also 5
White:I can pick the locks
Keinoa:no for some reason is you try they'll shock you because of tech in this world so if dare to die I would do it if I were you
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