amity -my own divergent book

amity -my own divergent book

tapanga is a peaceful girl who loves to take risks and if anything candor is not her place.

published on May 11, 2015not completed

chapter nine

The night seemed to come right away and we were lead to a wooden building willed with beds
"this is where you will sleep" ally said smiling. i picked a bed by mimzy , on the other side of my bed was mako's bed i had a medium sized bag where i held all my clothes and stuff, i had even gotten a really old games called checkers.  Mimzy and me sneaked a game before bed.
"ever played before?" Mimzy asked
"no i replied
"i can tell"
"what do you mean?"
"i mean, check mate" she pointed to her queen and i realized i was trapped
"ugh you win, again"
"don't you think we aught to go to bed?"
"not yet" i said laying on my pillow "in dauntless when we become initiates we split into two groups the transfers and the born initiates all separated" or that's what my sister told me" my stomic lurched at the idea of my sister, why was i so sad she always bullied me, until the ceremony earlier today.
"whats wrong?"
"um, wait what oh nothing" i laid down fully "maybe we should get some sleep" i said and i just left the board there as i fell asleep.
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