Arrows and Regret

Alice a medieval peasant with lots of fight and lots of heart, can't help but fear for her life as her parents are ripped from her and the memories begin, everything she has done has grown into pain, and she must over come them to get back her parents.

published on November 06, 2015not completed

midnight letter

I wake up around midnight.  to my willow calling my name.
"Alice, wake up" she said but i had just ignored her "mom and dad are gone" that caught my attention
"what" i said getting up
"mom and dad are gone"
"i don't know" she begins to cry.  We walk into our parents and /i find a letter under the pillow with the king and queens stamp. I opened it and read:
Dear Alice,
We have token your parents for the treason of murder.  They will be put to death on the second of november,(in two days) and we request that you go live with your aunt or something you don't belong with these people.  we have arranged that a guard will pick you up tomorrow after noon to bring you to your aunt Cassie. be ready and please cooperate this isn't your fault but we can still take you.
                                                                                                                                                                    king Darrick
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