Kaisetsu vs. The Diamond Dog Pirates

"You must be really famous around here," Colleen observed.
"Comes with being very strong on this island. The whole demon rumor was a lie. It was so no pirates or bandits can bother this island. Unfortunately, it seems to attract them instead. Though it's all right. Besides, with them coming here, I can get stronger and it makes really good training. Isn't that right, guys?!" she then asked the people, who cheered in agreement.
"Before she came here, all the pirates and bandits who were hiding in this island were all being nasty to us." "Not even the Marines can handle them." "But ever since she started defeated those punks, all the pirates and bandits were all beaten and taken to the Marine Headquarters." "And ever since that day, other pirates were too scared to bother us."
"Then what about that fight earlier," Colleen asked.
"There were some pirates who had guts to come here, thinking that it was only rumors," Kaisetsu explained. "Those pirates were causing so much havoc here, it was really annoying. I couldn't stand it. So I had no choice but to fight them all off and get them arrested."
"Oh, I see," Colleen replied, placing her fist on her palm. Her stomach then growled, demanding lots of food.
Kaisetsu heard this and laughed. "Anyway, waitress. Table for two please."
"Yes, right this way," a red-haired waitress replied, guiding them to a table with eight seats. She then handed them menus to order something to eat.
"WHOA!" Colleen exclaimed. "All of these sound really good."
"Then order all of them," Kaisetsu told the straw hat.
"REALLY?!" Colleen asked with sparkling eyes. "You're so nice!"
"That was a joke." Kaisetsu said.
"I know. I may not look like it, but I have a huge appetite."
"Well then in that case, eat away. I have a huge amount of money," Kaisetsu pointed out.
After they ordered their meal, Colleen was talking to Kaisetsu about the fight earlier.
"You must be really strong if you defeated that many pirates with a wooden sword," Colleen complimented.
"Well I have been training for many years. And each day, I was getting used to fighting with a sword." Well, it wasn't an outright truth. However, it wasn't an outright lie either.
"I see. If you're that strong, maybe we can fight sometime"
"Well, I'm looking forward to that battle, Colleen," Kaisetsu replied.
It was then that their meal arrived. They all look so fancy, as though Colleen and Kaisetsu were eating in a fancy restaurant, which is mostly true.
"How much do we have to pay?" Colleen asked, taking a bite out of his meal.
"165,106,050 belli," the waitress answered. Hearing the price Colleen choked on her food.
"OVER 165 MILLION?!" She repeated.
"Yes, if you aren't Kaisetsu's friend that is," the waitress added, much to her relief.
"We're not friends," the brown-haired girl toyed, having the same person to choke on her food again. "I was joking."
"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" Colleen shouted in rage as she calms down.
They continued to talk about Kaisetsu, such as where she lives, what kind of training she was doing, how she got her nickname, and more about their parents.
That was when a Marine barged in. "WE HAVE TROUBLE, STARLIGHT BLADE!" he shouted. "Near the coast, several villagers were captured by some weird pirates! Hana is one of them!"
"What was that?!" Kaisetsu asked, not believing what she heard. "We have to hurry!" She got up and was about to run out, though Colleen grabbed her wrist and stopped her. "What are you doing?!"
"Let me come with you," She said. "You're going to rescue them, right? Also, I want to see how you battle against an army of pirates. Don't worry, I'll back you up."
Thinking for a few seconds, Kaisetsu said, "Do what you want." and left. Getting up, Colleen and his crew followed her.
At the coast, many people were struggling to get out of the weird pirates grasps. They all have dark skin and toothy jaws. Bare-chested on their bellies and wore black turtleneck shirts that were stitched into their chests, covering their upper wore brown and tan-patched pants and matching shoes, a red sash, bright yellow wristbands and skull-shaped also wear red bandanas on their heads that covers their eyes. In place of those eyes are an eye patch with a white x on it and angular black spiral. They all also have a curve blade on them.
"Let us go!" one of the hostages demanded.
"When Starlight Blade gets here, you'll be sorry!" another hostage said.
"Oh, will I?" the captain asked. "I heard a lot about the girl. And if she thinks that she's more popular than I am just because she can beat many pirates and bandits, she better think again. Once I'm through with her, this whole island will be in my control!"
"And who exactly is going to control this island, if might ask?!" a female voice asked. The pirates turned their heads to the voice and see Kaisetsu, with Colleen.
"You must be the infamous Starlight Blade," he said, approaching the group "I must say, you're timing is perfect. I was just about to go into town and call you."
"What do you want?" Kaisetsu asked, not in any mood for talk.
"A simple duel. You beat me, I'll hand myself in to the Marines. If I win, you have to be my slave and turn your back on this island."
When he said that, Colleen perked his head up. "Hey you! You can't have Kaisetsu! I've already decided to have her in my crew!"
"Stay out of this, Colleen," Kaisetsu demanded. "This is my fight. If it's a duel he wants, it's a duel he gets. But first, let the hostages go."
"Not until you beat me, which is impossible," the captain boasted.
"You're in trouble now girly," the pirate from earlier, Akoku, told the girl. "No one messes with the Diamond Dog Pirates!"
"Hm…why are you called that anyways? Sounds like a swoop gang." Kaisetsu casually said.
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?!" the First Mate snapped.
"Silence, Akoku," the captain calmed him. "Though you're right about one thing: this girl must be taught a lesson."
"I think that line is meant for you," Kaisetsu corrected.
"Like you can beat me. I am Captain Mongol, with a bounty of 5 million belli."
"When are we going to start this duel?" Kaisetsu impatiently asked.
"Right now," he answered, charging at the girl with his sword in hand. Kaisetsu unsheathed her katana and blocked the attack and striked back.
The duel continued on for minutes. Neither duelist was backing down yet. When Mongol tripped on something, he fell on his butt, leaving him open for Kaisetsu's strike. Unfortunately, her attack was blocked by one of the weird pirate's curve blade. As she jumped back to distance herself away from any possible attack, Kaisetsu found herself surrounded by many other pirates. Colleen noticed this and began to grow concerned. "Many against one…That's an unfair fight." That was when she noticed something wrong with the people around her. And that would be the fact that they are so calm, eyes filled with hope.
"Aren't any of you worried about her?" Colleen asked.
"Big sis Kaisetsu will be fine," Hana said.
"You have that much faith in her?"
"Of course. Besides, this isn't the first time that this happened."
Speaking of battle, Kaisetsu seems to be unfazed with the disadvantage in numbers. She just sighed and had a bored expression on her face.
"I see that you want to die honorably," Mongol observed. "Then die you shall! Kill her! I don't care about her anymore!" At that command, the weird pirates jumped, preparing to go for the kill. She didn't need to move away. When she felt that they all jumped at their highest, Kaisetsu raised her katana and yelled, "Wind Waker!" She swings her katana around in a circular movement, as it passes through her hands, raising it above her head, causing fierce winds to pick up, sending the enemy skywards. The pirates couldn't believe what they saw and dropped their jaws in shock. Kaisetsu counted down for some reason and had her katana pointing down. When she reached down to one, she quickly yelled, "Ice Slash!" swings katana at the air, as the enemy cannot see the icicle slashes that ascend skywards, then fall down like rain slashing the pirates knocking them out.
Kaisetsu turned to the last two pirates, "Now it's you, me, and your First Mate," Kaisetsu observed. "I'll give you this chance to give up and hand yourselves over to the Marines. So why don't you just make it easy and yield already?"
"Like hell!" Mongol replied. "I've been a pirate for two years. And there's no way I'm going to hand myself over without a fight!"
"Oh? Then you want to lose honorably?" the girl guessed. "Well, I suppose it's better than giving up."
"SHUT UP! Now you've pissed me off! Time to use my devil fruit power!" When he said that, he suddenly disappeared. "I ate the Clear Clear Fruit. Like its name, it allows me to become invisible. I hope you're ready, girl. No one ever survives from this power!"
"Well? Where am I? You're left? You're right? Behind you? Above you? In front of you? It's so hard to tell," Mongol blabbered.
"... What to do in this situation?" Kaisetsu sarcastically asked.
"Hah! You never faced anyone like me, as I thought! Though it's reasonable, since there can't be more than one kind of devil fruit."
Ignoring everything the pirate is saying, Kaisetsu focused on hearing him and then she quickly turned to the pirate and ended the duel with a slashing attack. As she yelled, "Fire Slash!" She swung her katana quickly three times, creating a fiery slash, therefore knocking him out.
Colleen didn't believe what she saw. Yet she believed it anyway. And so, she cheered for Kaisetsu. However, there was still someone who didn't accept what they witnessed. That is none other than Akoku.
"No... I won't accept this!" he yelled, charging towards the one who defeated his captain. "I'll kill you myself!"
"Thunder Punch!" Colleen jumped above and hit him with an electric punch.
Kaisetsu couldn't believe what she just saw, "You…what in…"
"Me…? I have the Element Element Fruit. I can use many types of elements such as fire, ice, electricity, etc."
"I see…Thanks for the back up," Kaisetsu thanked.
"No problem. Anything for a friend. So Kaisetsu, would you like to join my crew?"
"Why? What are you planning on doing that involves me?" Kaisetsu asked.
"I told you, I'm going to the Grand Line soon to achieve my dream of becoming Queen of the Pirates! What about you?! You have a dream you want to accomplish?!"
Kaisetsu was silent for a few minutes until she replied, "Yes, I do have a dream. To master three sword style combat like my father. So…yes, I'll be joining your crew." Kaisetsu said.
"Yahhhooo! Yes! My first crew mate!" Colleen shouted.
"Wait…first crew mate?" Kaisetsu asked a bit confused.
"Well…I only just started sailing like 2 days ago!' Colleen replied.
"What? I thought you had more people on you crew."
"Nope. You're my first mate, and our ship," Colleen then points to her dingy, "is that for now. But I plan on getting a bigger one hopefully."
After a few hours of packing, Colleen and Kaisetsu were saying their goodbyes to the villagers.
"We all simply can't thank you enough for you kindness. Take care on your journey!" A citizen said.
"Yeah, be sure to visit sometimes okay. We could really use to company. Goodbye big sister!" Hana said hugging Kaisetsu.
"Will do." Kaisetsu said.
And with that, Colleen and Kaisetsu sailed off while waving goodbye to the villagers.
"Alright! Let's find some more people to join our crew. We're ready for anything!" Colleen shouted.
However, after 2 hours have passed, Colleen and Kaisetsu were leaning lazily on the edge of the dingy.
"Lost?" Kaisetsu asked.
"Lost." Colleen responded.
Meanwhile, on a nearby island, a raven haired boy woke up on a beach and rubbed his head.
"Oww…where am I?" The boy said, "Who...am I...?" He asked looking down and seeing his name on his orange armor that says: Ackmor. "Ackmor..." He looked around and saw no one nearby. "Hello...?"
To Be Continued….
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