Roranoa Kaisetsu

At the backside was a girl who has brown hair mid-back length, a red long-sleeved jacket over top with her waist exposed and covered by a fishnet, black gloves, black shorts with a white belt, long purple socks, and purple high heels practicing with a long nodachi sword.
"Hey! Starlight Blade!" a Marine called, interrupting the girl's training. "A message from the Headquarters. They-"
"Don't want to," the brown-haired girl interrupted, as she continued her training.
"You don't even know what the message is."
"It's about me joining the Marines, isn't it? I already told you, after what I saw with your useless group did back in my childhood, I won't be a Marine. Besides, I already decided that I'll travel around the world to achieve my goal. How is joining the Marines going to help me with that?"
"Well... I suppose that's true," the Marine said. "Well, I'll let the captain know about your usual reply."
"How many times do I have to say these things? For the message about me joining you guys, I will never join for obvious reasons. And, if you see any pirates or bandits causing any trouble, that's when you call me. I have to practice my sword skills…" The girl then looked at her purple katana and placed it back in its sheath, "Meh, I'll do it later. I'll go for a walk in town."
That last part got the soldier a little confused. "Didn't you say that you won't do anything unless it's pirates or bandits attacking?" he asked.
"I didn't say anything about me taking a walk, did I?" she asked back, walking away.
Colleen stretched her limbs as she set foot on Tanoshi Island, "Finally, I made it." She then started to walk around the village, "Satako told me about this island."
Satako started to tell Colleen about her next island, "They say that there's an island called Tanoshi Island. It's said that on that island, there's a demon that kills any trespasser that lands there, especially if they go to a specific town that has a Marine Base. People say that it works for them or killed them and made the base its home. Not only that, they say it takes a form of a swordswoman and that she can easily kill a group of pirates and bandits. What's worse is that not even if the pirates and bandits work together, that demon can still beat them. Even the combined bounty of fifty million belli can't beat her."
(End Flashback)
"Hm…a strong person like that will make a great ally. I hope she's willing to become a pirate." Colleen said walking in the village.
The brown haired girl suddenly sneezed. "Must be the rumors on other islands about me," she thought, as she continued her walk. As she calmly walked into town, she was greeted by the villagers, both old and young. She then came across familiar little kids, pretending to be her and holding up wooden swords. The youngsters noticed her and ran up to the girl.
"Kaisetsu!" a blonde haired girl called, jumping into her arms.
"Hey there Hana my little sister, everyone," the brown-haired girl named Kaisetsu greeted. "Are you guys playing war again?" she then asked her little sister named Hana, noticing the wooden swords they were carrying.
"You bet!" Hana answered. "We all want to be just like you!"
"This way, you don't have to worry about the village when you go out on your adventure," a black-haired boy explained. "We're doing everything we can to be as strong as you, Starlight Blade!"
"Chris, I told you; you can just call me Kaisetsu." When she said that, a group of pirates came from behind her.
"Hey!" one of them called. Turning her head to face the one who called her, he asked, "You the demon of this island?"
Colleen continued to walk around the village in search of the demon she heard about until she heard the villagers talking.
"Hey, did you hear?" a male villager asked, grabbing the girl's attention.
"I sure did," another male villager replied. "There's another fight going on in the shopping district."
"Should we go look?" a female villager asked.
"I say, let's get to it!"
"I know we saw her fight a lot, but I can't help but agree with you," another female villager stated.
"What are we waiting for?! Let's go! To the shopping distirict!" the first male yelled out. That said, the group of four ran to the said district.
"Her…It must be the demon." Colleen thought as she followed the crowd.
Kaisetsu already handled most of the pirates that tried to attack her. The only ones that were left were the leader and two others.
"She... she really is a demon!" the pirate with a red bandana exclaimed.
"What should we do, First Mate Akoku?!" a pirate with weird markings on his face asked.
"What do you mean 'what do we do'?!" the leader, now known as Akoku, asked back. "Her ability is the reason why the captain took interest on her! Make yourself useful and take her out!"
"Y-yes sir!" the two pirates replied, charging towards Kaisetsu. They had their cutlass ready to cut Kaisetsu, who easily blocked them with the wooden sword that she borrowed from Hana and one of her friends.
"Useless…" she thought. Seeing an opening, Kaisetsu quickly charged pass the two and slashed them. After a moment of silence, the two pirates were down and out, therefore leaving the First Mate to fight the girl alone.
"Now it's your turn," she said. "Of course, I'll be nice enough to let you go back to your captain. And when you do, tell him that if he mess with anyone else while being on this island, I'll kill him, just as I did with several other pirates."
With that warning, the remaining pirate ran away in fear. "I will be back!" he shouted.
"I know you will," the purple-haired girl thought, as she heard a short cheer from the crowd.
As the cheer faded, another voice came. "Amazing! So that's how people fight with swords." Kaisetsu never heard that voice before. Out of curiosity, she faced the owner of the voice and saw Colleen. "The way you handled those pirates was impressive!"
"Oh hello. You must be new here since I haven't seen you before. My name is Kaisetsu; people around here call me Starlight Blade.
"My name is Monkey D. Colleen. I'm looking for people as talented as you. "Would you like to join my crew?"
"Monkey D. Colleen? I've heard that name before." Kaisetsu said.
"You did?" Colleen asked.
"Yes, my father told me that he was once on a crew whose captain had the name Monkey." Kaisetsu said.
"Oh, my Dad. Monkey D. Luffy. Why do you ask?" Colleen asked.
"I knew it…Allow me to fully introduce myself. My name is Roranoa Kaisetsu, the daughter of Roranoa Zoro and Nico Robin." Kaisetsu said shocking Colleen.
"What?! Dad never told me…That's amazing! It's so nice to meet you, Kaisetsu." Colleen said.
"So…you're a pirate already?" she asked.
"Yes, I'm a pirate who's heading into the Grandline in search of the One Piece. I figured you would want to join in and fulfill your dreams along the way," Colleen bluntly replied. "So what do you say?"
"Well…" Kaisetsu was cut off by Colleen's growling stomach.
"Oh…is there someplace where I can eat…" She said tiredly.
Laughing a bit, Kaisetsu said, "If you like, I can treat you to lunch." That offer got Colleen excited.
"Really?" she asked.
"It'll be my way of welcoming you, since you're not like those pirates," Kaisetsu told them.
"Those pirates?" Colleen asked wondering what Kaisetsu meant.
To Be Continued…
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