The Return

Her beloved was going to kill countless millions.
All because of the Great Ones plan.
Elise looked over from Heavens gate, down onto Earth.
"Dont fall down there." An angel with an armful of scrolls said, smiling."Otherwise youll fall to Earth."
This gave Elise an idea.
"Oh, no, Im tripping!" She mock-said, faking her fear as she quite obviously jumped from Heaven, falling to Earth as fallen angel appearences begin to appear.
"Sesaaaaa!" She screamed, tears becoming gold as she fell back to Earth.
"Commander Purkins, the Presedent says, 'Engage enemy at homeworld: Finish the job.' Its appoximately 3 light years away from Earth, in the Adraxtei system, near the Eagle nebula." The captain says, ready for his commanders orders.
Anthony thinks this over.
"Prepare to make the jump, Captain. All ships prepare to engage upon entry. God have mercy on us all..."
Stitches held Bana close as she smiled.
"Stitches, theres something we need to talk about." She says, suddenly sitting up and looking him dead in the eye.
He tilts his head, a sign that he was listening.
"Well... How do I put this...?" She says, thinking it over.
"Well... Stitches... I... L-l-love you." She says, red faced and near a nervous wreck.
Stitches eyes went wide as she leaned in and added, "I know youre not human. But I couldnt care less." as she kissed him.
Stitches... Felt... Attracted to her. How, he didnt know.
Let alone give a shit.
He suddenly kissed her back, blushing and letting her lay him back, smiling and blushing as she threw off her shirt.
Sesa glared at the prince, ready to kill him.
"You damn idiot." He says, smacking the prince hard.
"My lord, forgive me." Cain begs, not wanting to piss his lord off.
Sesa went to hit him again when a hand stopped him.
"So the Prophet has turned into a menace, once adored, now feared." Michael says, Uriel, Gabriel, and another angel in monk robes stand behind him.
"Sesa... Please stop.." A familiar voice begs, melting his anger.
"E... El..."
"Its me, Sesa." Elise says, throwing the robes down. "What have you done?"
"I..." he began, the emotions begining to clash together. "I was... I was going to slaughter Destroyers entire planet... Because he..." Sesa clenched his fists, crying in front of everyone, falling to his knees.
Elise was instantly by his side, comforting him and holding him close.
"Elise, Im so sorry!" He screamed, utterly losing it. He couldnt tell if this was real anymore. He just didnt know! After so many years of fighting and losing those close to him, he was just ready to die. He even planned killing himself after he killed Destroyer.
"Shhh, shh, Sesa, quiet. No more tears, watashi no ai. No more." She said, kissing him and letting her own anger melt away. She cupped both of his cheeks, smiled, then saud in all honesty, "Ill alway be here for you, Sesa. Now come on, get up. You have a fate to fulfill."
He sniffled, crawling up and clinging to her.
"Prince Cain..." he says, his eyes going from black to white and molten gold, "Set a course for Agnorack. We're finishing this, once and for all!"
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