Screams...that's all there was. A kid 18 years of age was dared to go backstage of the Rockstar's Pizzeria. "I'm no chicken!" the kid had yelled. Josh, the kid's "friend" replied "if you're not, then do it!" You're probably wondering "What's the kids name?" Well, I'll tell you...his name is Haru! Now back to the story. "FINE! I'LL DO IT!" Haru yelled. His adrenaline was rising, heart was pumping. "I got this" Soon, he was backstage. "this is hella cool!' He whispered. Then he just stopped. And stared. He walked towards something, in a trance-like walk. He slowly touched the suit. "So cool!" He said while touching it. Then, he had an idea. He was going to try on the suit. He put it on piece-by-piece. Then, there was ticking. He was breathing heavily, cause he was nervous. Then it stopped. "Phew!" He thought. And then there were only screams..... Blood on the floor, Sirens wailing, and a dead kid. I told you this first-hand cause...I'm the kid, and I died... My name's Haru, and this id my backstory