Who is this?

"Hey, "I say weakly to her
"Hello," she says as she stares into our food, toast and jam.
"I am so nervous," I say
"Me too," And I see fear behind the small eyes.
"HELLO, as we know we had a successful evening so I suggest a day off to do whatever you want," The lady says brightly. I feel happier but remeber the dreading doom coming. We go in a scuffle.
"Not you Georgia, there's someone to see you," Oh no they've come to get me early. What about the day off?
"It won't take long," She says and I follow her to the sitting room. We go through the old wooden door and there he is. A guy I have never seen before. But then again he could work for the snatchers.
He rises and reaches to shake my hand, I do. When he sits down again he motions for me to sit with him. He takes a big breath. "Hello, I am Marco."
"Georgia," I reply wondering why he gave me his name. He's a snatcher.
"Well I was a friend of your fathers. I know it has been a while but I only found out yesterday that he had passed away and I thought that it was my duty - since you have no other relatives - to take you back to my place. I know your father would have wanted me to, and he was a great man so as a favor to him, will take you in,"
So he's not a snatcher thank god but can I trust him "I don't know what to say,"
"Of course, I do know you have been requested to be adopted but since I knew your father I have rights. Unless you want to go with them?"
"NO," I say a bit too quickly and the lady gives me a look, "I would love to come with you,"
"Oh good," He says, "Well in about a week I will be able to take you home. I have to do some forms,"
"Great," I smile widely. I'm happy I have a home, not becoming a sex slave.
"Well, I'll see you later, I need to talk with Mary about the forms and such stuff," I take that as a dismissal and leave
(Mary is the lady. had to give her a name)
So I walk upstairs into my room, with 12 beds neatly stacked together. Its cramped but it feels like home and its basically our 'courtyard'. Where we hang out. All the girls are in groups so I sit near Calli and emma. They talk about trivial things and I just sit, curling into my legs. One week and I'll be out. The time flys fast and at lunch we talk the same. I just think. The snatchers are coming in 2 days what are they going to say? And is that man to be trusted or is he part of a different group, pretending to be a previous friend to my father...
The day after next (snatchers day...)
I wake up to the russling of the curtains. Mary stands by them, waiting to wake us up. I tense then here her loud voice
"WAKE UP, WAKEUP," God I hate mornings. Everyone grumbles as we get out of bed. I get changed and feel fear creeping down my back. I have the feeling that the snatchers wont be happy to let me go. Too right!!!
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