Returning Home After A Long Night

"Draco can help me remember. Now, show me where he is." I ordered standing away from him. Normally, I would be blushing like crazy since well Flynn is toned up and muscular along with shirtless besides me, but I was more determined to discover the other me and learn more about this power.
Getting off of the bed, Flynn grabbed his shirt and slid it on while I heard a sigh ring from his lips. "The same thing happened last time you wanted to see Draco. You almost killed Kellen to get the information out of him. I do not want to feel the same." Flynn remembered walking to the door. I followed him as he stood in front of a group of fallen angels. "Listen hear everyone. I have to go away for a few days. If our spies get information that the guardians even know a tiny information about this place, take everything to the shelter and stay there. That is an order."
All at once, I heard the men say, "Yes, sir." As Flynn walked to the door, I followed right behind him almost at his heels. The outside air was still dark and cold as we started our journey to search for Draco.
"So, are you taking me to see Draco?" I asked making sure that he was taking me where I wanted to go. I did not want to be blind sided into something I did not want.
Flynn turned his head at me and smiled, "Even better, we are going to see the parents you know." I literally felt my jaw hit the ground. Why are we going to see my parents? Let me rephrase that, the fairy parents that took care of me in my second life. The forest was dark and lonely with only Flynn and me walking through the forest.
"Why are we going to see my parents? How will they help find Draco?" I asked quickly and sharply wondering why my parents were involved in this. They were always sweet and caring granted they are fairies but still.
"Draco always wanted to receive updates about you. So, they have to know where he is at since he relocated after your transformation." Flynn mentioned as we continued to walk through the forest. So, Draco was always checking up on me. He did not seem to be a caring man. I wonder if there is something in it for him.
"I do not think it would be a good idea if you went in with me." I commented as I saw lights growing closer to us. The lights were radiating from corners in the house. Normally, they were never up this late.
Flynn chuckled as he walked closer to the house saying, "It will probably be better if I go in with you. They will not be too happy with me."
Growing closer to the door, I asked, "Why would they not be happy?"
"Because I broke our promise." Flynn mentioned as he knocked on the door. When the door open, a woman with gold hair and bright green eyes stared at us in her green night gown.
Opening her green eyes wide, my mother wrapped her arms around me and yelled, "Marco! She came back!" My mother had always worried so much when I did not come home at a certain time. Loud foot steps came closer to us as a brown haired man with blue eyes stared at us in his tee shirt and pajama pants. His smile grew bright, but when I pulled away from my mother, his smile vanished. He caught a glimpse at my hair and eyes and knew what was going on.
"Regina, did you see her appearance?" My father asked with a cold tone.
My mother backed away from me and ran her fingers through my hair. Her pale fingers entangling with my long black hair. "Yes, but she is still my little girl!" My mother eagerly said with a bright smile on her face. Walking in the house, I noticed Flynn was staying pretty far back from me like he was scared. My father darted his eyes at Flynn like he wanted to kill him.
"We had a promise, angel. You broke it." My father coldly said standing be side my mother while Flynn stood away from us.
"Yes, we did, but she came to my men first. I did not come after her. That was the deal. I would not change her unless she came after me, or it was her eighteenth birthday." Flynn stared at him with a smirk on his face.
My mother looked at me as she asked, "So, you know what you are, honey?" Sadness engulfed my mother's green eyes as I think she realized she was going to lose me.
Shaking my head, I smiled at her and answered, "Yes, mom. I know what I am, what happened that day, who you are and other things."
"Then, why did you bring her back? You could of trained her and returned her back to who she was." My father asked.
Flynn pointed at me and smiled saying, "She has a question to ask you." Both my parents looked down at me curious over what my question would be.
"How do I find Draco?" After I asked, my father ran up to Flynn and threw him against the wall. My father held Flynn high against the wall by his shirt. How could be asking for Draco cause this? My mother sat on the couch with her mouth over her hand, and her green eyes opened wide.
"You idiot! How could you tell her about him!? How could you take her away from us like that?" My father roared as I stood there confused. My back started throbbing in pain as I felt a little dizzy. I had been running around for what felt like hours now, and I was exhausted that is what I am guessing.
"I h-ad t-o sh-ow he-r t-ha-t d-ay." Flynn tried to get out of his mouth as father slammed him against the wall. My back was still throbbing in pain. My wings had not been hurting since that moment with Kellen. Now, they are in so much pain. Why are they hurting so much? Seeing Flynn get hurt made my chest hurt as well like I did not want to see him in pain.
"Stop it." I quietly said, but father continued hurting him. "Stop it." I asked again, but father continued. "Stop it." I asked again but did not work. Suddenly, I yelled, "Stop it right now!" The pain in my back exploded as my black wings slug out of my back. Black feathers flew through the air as my father turned around dropping Flynn in the floor. Looking at my father, his blue eyes widened in fear as I heard my mother scream in shock over my wings. Glaring at both of them, I realized how scared they actually were to me. In their eyes, I could see myself as a monster.
"Nice job, Sage." Flynn laughed standing up and walking to me. Placing his finger on my wing, he ran his finger down it as I felt my stomach getting butterflies. I never had such a exotic feeling on having someone touch me there that might be cause I never had wings before.
"So, those are her wings." My mother asked as Flynn pulled his finger away from my wing. I pulled my wings against my back and glared at the fear in my mother's eyes. Why is she so scared?
"Yes. These are my wings." I answered smiling at my mother. My attempt to calm her down did not work like I wanted it to. She still stared at me with so much fear. "Now, why did you two freak out when I asked about Draco."
"Regina, it is time to tell her." My father sat down beside her and wrapped his arms around my mother.
Breathing out slowly, my mother stared at the ground as she said, "The day Draco called us was cold and windy. He told us he had a baby for us. We were so happy until he told us what kind of baby you were. He called you a dark angel. We were scared since we never heard of it plus having an angel baby was a dangerous; however, he said your powers and wings were locked up. He said no one would find you. You were supposed to be a normal human baby until Flynn brought you here." Tears started running down my mother's face. "When I held you, I knew you would be my little girl. Draco said there was a curse on you. No matter what we wanted, you would never stay like a human girl. After Draco explained, Flynn made a deal with us about when to bring you back to powerful dark angel. I thought I had two more years with you."
"Dear, I will finish the rest." My father rubbed her back as tears ran down her face. "After we made the deal, and Flynn left, Draco informed us if you ever lost control, he would kill you. He informed us when he locked your powers up, he was terribly weak and did not do it how he wanted to, so it might come out in your human form. You did once, but fairies have some magic that was able to handle it. The yellow tea you would drink was to help control you. Lord, I thought you would never like that drink."
Smiling at my parents, I wrapped my arms and wings around both of them. "Thank you for taking me in and taking care of me. I have lived a perfect life with you. No matter what happens, I will still be your daughter, and you two will always be my parents. I will return to you, mom and dad, but I need to know the real me. I need my memories back. I promise I will not forget you." Tears ran down both of my parent's eyes as I wiped their tears away. They are such kind people.
Pulling away, my mother held my hand tightly and said, "How about you two sleep for the night? Draco will still be there in the morning."
Glaring at Flynn, I smiled at him hoping he would say yes. A smirk raised on his lips as he answered, "Yeah. We will need our rest since I am going to punch him in the face for threatening you." A chuckle ran out of my lips as I felt myself smile.
"Marco, let us go set up the guest bedroom for Flynn." My mother grabbed my father's arm and walked to the guest bedroom by my room.
Turning at Flynn, I felt my smile disappear as I thought about the other me. "So, in the Sage in your memory wins tomorrow, I will forget them, right?" I curiously asked hoping he would say no.
Flynn would on look at me with his light brown eyes as he answered, "If she wins, you will not remember anything, but if you two can join together, there will be a new Sage with memories of both lives. That is how Draco explained to me, but you are a dark angel. It might work like that, and it might not."
Angels. My head started to hurt after thinking so much about it. Turning down the hall, I was so tired and sick of talking about the situation I was in that I started walking to my room. I remembered when I was little hearing stories of how angels protected over humans. I figured they were all nice and kind. Now, discovering fallen and dark angels has made me wonder more and more about who I truly was. Stopping in my tracks, I remembered the necklace from the memory. It was my biological mother's necklace. For some reason, I wanted it in my hand.
"Where is my mother's necklace, Flynn?" I asked turning to look at him. Flynn had started walking behind me to his room. His smile sent chills down my smile as he shook his head.
"I will bring it to you in the morning, my queen. Now, go to sleep." Flynn started walking to his room with my parents.
Spreading my wings, I pushed him with the tip of my wing and smiled, "Do not call me queen." Opening to door, I walked in my room and collapsed on my bed. I never tried sleeping with my wings as a matter of fact I have never had wings until now. Thinking what Flynn said, I pulled my wings back inside my back. The uncomfortable pain was still there. Hopefully, I will get used to this. What am I talking about? I will never get used to this. I have entered a new world. Angels, fairies, warlock, and maybe even more stuff. I thought all these were just myths. Why is this happening to me?
Closing my eyes, I was still having trouble trying to comprehend what I am now involved in, but sleep was knocking on my door, and I let it in.
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