The Truth Comes Slithering Out

As the smoke vanished, I felt my black wings spread apart as the blonde hair muscular boy became able to see. As I noticed his white tux simmering with the light, I focused on the feeling of my wings sudden hatred. Since the few minutes I had my wings, I noticed a few things. Three things I have really noticed: my feelings are reflected through my things, my wings are a lot stronger than I know, and I have the odd feeling my wings know the past I can not seem to remember.
The boy's icy blue eyes pierced through me as I noticed the pure white wings behind him and the blue flaming sword in his pale white hand. "Well, I never thought I would see you in a place like this, Sage." The boy stared at me as Flynn walked in front of me almost shielding me.
"A blonde moron like you would not know the places Sage likes." Flynn fiercefully mentioned clinching his fists. How would Flynn know? He does not know me.
"Says the fallen idiot who gave her this accursed life, Flynn." The blonde haired boy smirked confidently at Flynn like he had won a battle. Frankly, I would not know what battle.
"Excuse me. I do not know what you too are talking about, but I would like some answers." I said in a sassy attitude. I have wings and feel weird. Can someone tell me what happened?
"So, she does not remember. Figured he would do that to her." The boy seemed to know a lot about why I can not remember anything. Could he be a friend of mine in the past?
"You knew that he would take her memory the whole time didn't you, Kellen!" Flynn appeared flustered over the topic. What were Flynn and I like before my memory loss?
A laugh exploded from Kellen's mouth as he answered, "Of course I did. I told her that was the side effect of reverting back age and locking her powers up." Reverting back age?
"Reverting back age? What the heck are you guys talking about?" I felt my wings burst out larger in anger. My once purple eyes growing red with anger.
"Sage, I need you to stay behind me. Kellen is not to be trusted." Flynn mentioned shooting a confronting smile towards me.
"Sage, you must listen to me. You are a..." Before Kellen could finish his sentence, Flynn with supernatural speed punched Kellen square in the face. With that punch, Kellen went flying through the air landing against the wooden wall close to where the circle I was trapped in was.
With a crack of his knuckles, Flynn smirked at me, "You are an amazing fighter. Wish you could remember, but I wiill have to explain later." After Flynn said that, a throbbing pain shot through my wings. However, the pain I felt was different than before. I felt like something powerful inside wanted to burst out but could not.
Looking at Flynn, I figured he might know what was going on, so I asked, "Flynn, my wings. They are hurting. I feel like something is going to come out." His red eyes showed a sign of worry through out them.
"Dang. I should of thought this through more. They are coming." Flynn mentioned as he walked towards Kellen. "I would enjoy fighting you some more, but for now, stay put till the others find you." Flynn quickly wrote a strange mark on the ground in front of him. Kellen stood up and lunged after him with his sword, but when he grew close to Flynn, Kellen froze. Looking down, I noticed he was trapped inside the circle like I was.
"Fallen! Let me out now!" Kellen hissed as his white wings appeared to be forced back into his back. I should be happy he is trapped, but my wings started throbbing too bad to be happy. Walking closer to Flynn, I tugged on his shirt like a little girl trying to get his attention.
"Flynn, it is getting worse. What do I do?" I looked up at him as he stared at me in a confused stare. Did I do something wrong? I always did it to mom and dad.
Shaking his head, he glared at my wings as he said pointing at my wings, "You need to stop letting the pain hurt you and embrace it. Once you do, the power will come out gently maybe not hurting me." Closing my eyes, I thought it would help me focus on the pain. The pain was throbbing and continuos as it covered my wings. Embrace the power he said. Taking a deep breathe, I noticed a red light in the darkness I was staring at.
The light beakened me near it as I did not feel the light was bad. Relaxing, I felt the red light engulf over me. Opening my eyes. I saw a bright red light radiating around me. Looking around, I noticed Flynn had gone missing until I felt something grab my ankles. Glancing down, I say Flynn holding onto my ankles as his face demonstrated a painful look. How could this beautiful red light be hurting him? With what strength he had, I heard him say, "Go-od j-ob, Sa-ge. N-ow, pl-ease st-op."
Looking over at Kellen, I noticed he was even in the floor in pain. What is this red light? Taking another deep breath, I tried to get rid of it, but the light kept on growing and growing. "I can't stop it!" I uttered watching as the light grew darker and darker. What is this power? Why can I not control it?
"St-op doubting yo-urself! T-ake con-trol lik-e yo-u us-ed to!" Flynn ordered me to do. Like I used to, huh? Taking a breath, I eliminated all the distractions around me and watched as the redness disappeared. Binding down, I tried pulling Flynn up, but he shrugged me off and pulled himself up. "I will never get used to that."
"How many times have I done that to you?" I asked concerned. I do not want to hurt people.
"More than I can count. Now, put those wings back inside of you and let's go." Flynn ordered as I stared at him confused. Does he seriously think I know how? Noticing my confused state, he said, "Just pull them back inside of you. Like putting your tongue in your mouth."
Trying to listen what he said, I tried controling my wings as I felt the odd feeling of the new parts of my body absorbing back into my back. Talk about a strange feeling. "Now that I can do that, what do we do now?" I asked smiling at him.
"Let me out." Kellen mentioned laying in the floor.
"Let me think. Heck no." Flynn mentioned picking me up like a princess. "Hold on tight." Doing what he said, I wrapped my arms around his strong neck as I felt his hands clinch on my waist and thigh. I could almost feel my face growing red as he started running away from the barn. I'm not sure how, but Flynn had the odd ability to run faster than the speed of light. Strange.
"Where are we going?" I asked laying my head on his chest.
"Oh, wonderful. Question time. We are going home. The place you used to be at before everything happened." Flynn answered not looking at me.
"Well, what happened to me?" I looked up at his chiseled chin, and his still red eyes glaring at the several trees he was running by.
"I will show you when we get there." Flynn coldly said.
"Can you at least tell me what I am? Also, who is Kellen. Along with, what are you?" I continually asked. I knew Flynn seemed to not want to answer questions, but I was curious. Suddenly, I felt Flynn's body slowing down at a cabin in the middle of the woods.
"I will explain everything inside." Flynn commented placing me down on the porch. When I felt my feet touch the ground, I released my grip from Flynn and followed him into the cabin. The living room was covered with boys sitting on the couch and other spots in the living room. I though we were going to talk to them, but Flynn did not even acknowledge them as he continued to walk down the hallway to a staircase leading to a basement. Following behind him, the basement was sort of like a play room with pool tables, games consoles, flat screen televisions, a bed, computers, and a few other things.
Walking to the bed, Flynn sat down and stared at him. I felt like his red eyes were not staring at me, but at someone I used to be. "I never thought you would come back here willingly. I thought I would have to drag you here." Flynn mentioned.
"I only want to know what is going on, and then I am leaving." I ordered standing in front of Flynn. A chuckle came from his mouth.
"After I tell and show you, you won't want to leave." Flynn uttered grabbing my arm and pulling my down on the bed side me. "You will need to sit down." I felt our skin close to get other, but everything seem normal. Sitting beside him, the feeling I had seemed completely ok.
"U-m, will you tell me now?" I asked looking up at him.
A smile shined from his mouth as he said, "Fine. I will answer your questions from before. Kellen is known as a guardian angel. Protecting humans, getting rid of high risked angels, and stuff like that is what Kellen does. However, you and I are not like normal angels. I am a fallen angel. I lost my wings and was forced to live a life on Earth due to my actions."
Interrupting his answers, I asked, "What did you do? Why did they take your wings?"
Shaking his head, I had a feeling that maybe I had already as him this question before. Looking at me, his red eyes stared into mine as he answered, "I remember the day you asked me that. When I was an angel, my main mission as an angel was to keep you from emerging into the angel you were supposed to be. So, due to my failure, and the Angels you murdered, I was persecuted with the crime of being an accessory to murder. They ripped my wings off, but I was still about to keep my abilities like my speed."
"I killed people. No! I could not! I can not!" Looking at my hands, I could not believe I had the power to do that. I hurt Flynn by taking a part of him away, but why is he still helping me?
"Sage, that is not it. The day that happened was when you discovered the truth of what happened to your mother. You were holding her necklace crying. All the angels were ordered not to tell you what happened until the night I saw you crying. I told you, and you became your true form. The dark angel you were meant to be." Flynn continued placing his hand on my knee. Dark angel? What does that mean? My mother's death? My mother is at home alive! What necklace is he talking about?
"You are lying! None of this makes any sense! No way I am this thing called a dark angel!" I yelled as my back started to hurt. I felt like the wings inside of me was telling me something.
"Will you stop doubting me for one second!?" He roared as I looked up at him. His eyes were a darker shade of red. "Listen for one damn second. You will not understand till the final question I answered."
Shaking my head, I looked away and said, "Fine, but one question before that question comes. What is the difference between fallen and dark? Oh, well two questions, is there anymore like me?"
I felt Flynn's fingers grip on my knee as he said, "You are the only one of your kind. The only difference I know is your powers are strong, and before you ask what about my wings, you would not let them get near you when they tried ripping them off. Now, before anymore questions, you need to see this." Flynn stood up and took his shirt off. His broad muscular back made my heart skip a beat as I saw the upside down V-shaped scar. Not looking at me, Flynn mentioned, "When you touch the scar, you will see one of my memories. I am hopping you seem the one of the accident or what happened to the loss of your memory."
Closing my eyes, I pressed my hand against his warm skin as I felt the rough scar againt my fingertips. Suddenly, I felt my mind go to a different place. When I opened my eyes, I was surrounded in a room with strange symbolizes all over the black. The room was dark with candles in certain areas. Suddenly, I heard the door slam open with Flynn running in gasping in breath. Following his gaze, I noticed a beautiful woman with long black hair wearing black skinny jeans, a leather short sleeve jacket, and black boots standing in the middle of the room. Her icy blues stared at him with a cold glance. The words Flynn yelled shocked even me.
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