Chapter Depression

If I weigh 99 pounds
and I eat 1 pound of nachos
Does that mean that I'm 1% nachos?
Southern Narnia: No, you need to use proper Mexican math to figure it out
Northern Narnia: You're a Mexican though
Southern Narnia: You weigh 99 pounds so multiply that by 7 because that's the number of letters in Mexican
Southern Narnia: So then you take that number and set it aside
Northern Narnia: That's 693
Northern Narnia: *pushes the number aside*
Southern Narnia: Then you take the 1 pound of nachos times 7 and get 7
Northern Narnia: Okay So I'm 7% nachos?
Southern Narnia: But then you multiply it by three because that's the number of colours on the Mexican flag
Northern Narnia: Okay 21
Northern Narnia: I'm 21% nachos?
Southern Narnia: Then you divide 693 by 21
Northern Narnia: 33 I'm 33% nachos?
Southern Narnia: You're 33 percent retard
Southern Narnia: Now anyways continuing the math
Southern Narnia: You take 33 and add 25. Because Mexican Independence day is September 16. 9+16=25
Northern Narnia: 58 ...I'm 58% nachos
Southern Narnia: No, I will tell you when we're done. You take 1943 (the year nachos were invented) and divide it by 58
Northern Narnia: 33.5
Southern Narnia: Then you divide that by 7 and round up
Southern Narnia: You use seven because the inventor of nachos has seven letters in their first name
Northern Narnia: Okay and the answer is 5
Southern Narnia: You are 5% nachos mi amigo
Northern Narnia: WHOA
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