Chapter 3

AlliceTeea Okay so you know how bitchy I can get,right?
King_of_Booty_Shorts yes
King_of_Booty_Shorts dude if I get banned i need you to snap at the Qfeast Team until the bring me back XD
AlliceTeea I will go full bitch mode if you get banned
AlliceTeea I swear on the name of Phantomhive and all things sugary
King_of_Booty_Shorts great!
AlliceTeea This is why Q,uotev is better
King_of_Booty_Shorts im banned from that remember
King_of_Booty_Shorts I CAN'T HELP IT
AlliceTeea XD
King_of_Booty_Shorts dude really though, I don't want to be banned
AlliceTeea I will go on a killing spree irl just to make sure you don't get banned
King_of_Booty_Shorts YES! I really want you to PM the qfeast team until thy let me comeback
AlliceTeea What if I get banned though?
King_of_Booty_Shorts Than we make new accounts and spam Qfeast over and over
AlliceTeea true XD
King_of_Booty_Shorts X3
King_of_Booty_Shorts dude I'm going to put for my name that This Account is Inactive and see peoples reactions XD
AlliceTeea XD
King_of_Booty_Shorts what do you think will happen???
AlliceTeea idk but I can't wait to watch *grabs popcorn*
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD Do you think people will believe it??
AlliceTeea Maybe XD
King_of_Booty_Shorts should I do it?! XDXD
AlliceTeea Do it!
AlliceTeea JUST DO IT!
King_of_Booty_Shorts done
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD Do you think people will beileve it?!?!?!
AlliceTeea We'll just have to find out
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD I can't do it XDXD
AlliceTeea why
AlliceTeea XDXDXD
King_of_Booty_Shorts It says I'm online and that would give it away!
AlliceTeea Then go offline duh
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD but than I can't talk to ya
AlliceTeea oh well *looks into distance* I will make that sacrifice
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD
AlliceTeea :3
AlliceTeea are you gonna do it or not
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD
King_of_Booty_Shorts dude Qfeast responded XD
King_of_Booty_Shorts dude I'm going to stop talking to people, I'm just going to PM for a while to see what people do XD
AlliceTeea wow XD
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD I want to see what people do!
AlliceTeea XD me too
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD YES! We just PM each other and don't post anything for at least three days!
AlliceTeea Alright hold on I'm gonna post a million photos
AlliceTeea then I'm ready
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD
AlliceTeea we start at 10:30 how a bout that
King_of_Booty_Shorts deal
King_of_Booty_Shorts 8 more minutes till we go silent for 3 days!
King_of_Booty_Shorts dude two more minutes
King_of_Booty_Shorts ONE MORE MINUTES
King_of_Booty_Shorts MINUTE*
King_of_Booty_Shorts ANDY DAMN IT
AlliceTeea 10:30
King_of_Booty_Shorts Silence for three days, we can only PM each other now!
AlliceTeea alright
King_of_Booty_Shorts this is going to be fuuuunnnn
AlliceTeea we could be really evil and change the names
King_of_Booty_Shorts .....yes and we don't go on Qfeast at all, we just text each other!
King_of_Booty_Shorts to show that we aren't Online
AlliceTeea alright!
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD
AlliceTeea Should I change my name or not
King_of_Booty_Shorts I mean, I'm not, I'm just not going to post anything and stay off of this for a long as possible so people don't see im online
AlliceTeea hmm okay then
King_of_Booty_Shorts I'm out XD night
AlliceTeea night
King_of_Booty_Shorts seems like no one cares that we didn't do anything for like...two days XD
AlliceTeea XD true
King_of_Booty_Shorts No one cared XD
AlliceTeea Dude its like really aggravating because my mom wants me to help her cook
King_of_Booty_Shorts HAHAHA
AlliceTeea I hate cooking tbh
AlliceTeea So anyway hows your day been
King_of_Booty_Shorts im just trying to bring myself to draw Grell
AlliceTeea Oh cool
AlliceTeea I officially hate thanksgiving
King_of_Booty_Shorts why?
AlliceTeea Its a cursed day
AlliceTeea My mom said we might move to Tennessee or Georgia
AlliceTeea So I'm pissed now
King_of_Booty_Shorts oh...wait today!?
AlliceTeea We're not moving today but maybe this school year
AlliceTeea I mean duh
King_of_Booty_Shorts oh....
AlliceTeea Hi
King_of_Booty_Shorts sup
AlliceTeea nothin much sup with you
King_of_Booty_Shorts not much
AlliceTeea so how was your day?
King_of_Booty_Shorts meh, still drawing Grell want to see how far I got? XD
AlliceTeea My phones dead though
King_of_Booty_Shorts oh
AlliceTeea So what ya been doing today!?
King_of_Booty_Shorts being fat and drawing
AlliceTeea XD
King_of_Booty_Shorts X3
AlliceTeea So...
AlliceTeea Your not a dinosaur
King_of_Booty_Shorts your right
King_of_Booty_Shorts I'm Andy Biersack
AlliceTeea *facepalm*Why am I freinds with you?XD
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD Cause I do this kinda shit
AlliceTeea True XD
King_of_Booty_Shorts wait for it
AlliceTeea what
King_of_Booty_Shorts there ya go, on your profile
AlliceTeea Dude I'm playing this scary game and yeah 0_0
King_of_Booty_Shorts WHAT IS IT MUST PLAY IT
AlliceTeea The Horror House
King_of_Booty_Shorts MUST FUUCKING PLAY IT
AlliceTeea Its pretty lame tbh
King_of_Booty_Shorts oh
King_of_Booty_Shorts Is it scary?
AlliceTeea if you wanna play some scary games though the website I found it on is
AlliceTeea I had one jumpscare when a picture frame broke
King_of_Booty_Shorts Nice
AlliceTeea No my volleyball exploded!
AlliceTeea Now I'm in a bathroom
King_of_Booty_Shorts XDXD
AlliceTeea the light keeps flickering like a bitch
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD
AlliceTeea Oms that rhymed
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD
AlliceTeea Oh now its in the toilet too looks like someone had their period
King_of_Booty_Shorts DUDE
King_of_Booty_Shorts Click on the poster on the wall in that game
AlliceTeea which one
King_of_Booty_Shorts the cat one
AlliceTeea But BEN doesn't say Go to sleep!
King_of_Booty_Shorts I KNOW! That pissed me off so bad!
AlliceTeea HOLY SHIT
AlliceTeea I DIED WTF
AlliceTeea yes
AlliceTeea I was reading the diary
AlliceTeea How do you beat it
King_of_Booty_Shorts Same, but I was raging over the poster than I got a heart attack and I fell off my bed screaming "DEMON! NO WAIT! CLAUDE! WHAT THE HELL!"
King_of_Booty_Shorts And Idk XD
AlliceTeea Heres a tip don't use the needle and the thread
King_of_Booty_Shorts The needle and thread?
AlliceTeea Its on the desk
King_of_Booty_Shorts I didn't use it, I just used the TV, the doll in the corner, the fish tank, the building blocks, and the poster
AlliceTeea DAMNIT
King_of_Booty_Shorts XD
AlliceTeea It tells you how to beat it at the bottom
AlliceTeea But it could be a trap
King_of_Booty_Shorts Really? XD ILL DO IT!!
AlliceTeea try it
King_of_Booty_Shorts dude...I used the needle and thread
AlliceTeea WHY
AlliceTeea Just try to win
King_of_Booty_Shorts IT WAS AWESOME
AlliceTeea TRY TO WIN
King_of_Booty_Shorts OK
King_of_Booty_Shorts where are the pills?
AlliceTeea idk look around
AlliceTeea should I play ask the dead 2
King_of_Booty_Shorts BEAT IT
AlliceTeea Awesome what happened
King_of_Booty_Shorts I just won XD I got out of the roon
AlliceTeea Is it over then?
King_of_Booty_Shorts I guess
AlliceTeea hmmm
AlliceTeea So should I play ask the dead 2 or what
King_of_Booty_Shorts Sure!
AlliceTeea It told me to leave if I was under 15
AlliceTeea AS IF XD
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