~Rant #1~

This rant is pretty self explanatory.. I mean, at first when they where like: "We're making a Percy Jackson movie!" I was like OMG! *fangirls* Only... they forgot to mention that it was practically based on a fanfic. You see, it had NOTHING to do with the book. The second one was WORSE! I mean since when does Tyson fall off a cliff?! Since when.. (wait for it..) since when does Percy defeat Kronos in the SECOND book? Doesn't Rick Riordan CARE what these phsyco movie people are doing to his books!? *sighs in frustration* The second movie had the most lame things, but lets switch gears to the first one. ALRIGHTY.. Percy skewers Luke's neck with a magical trident.. I was like "Okay, trying to be epic, but you have riptide..ditch the trident!" Movie Percy ignored. Also, in capture the flag.. okay I can't do this.. *walks away* So YEAH. The movies where so bad I wanted to run out of them the theater and sock the director in the face.
If they make another movie... I will die.. I will seriously DIE. Luckily, I found this trusty link on google! http://www.hypable.com/2014/03/26/logan-lerman-says-percy-jackson-3-wont-be-happening even the actor who plays Percy doesn't want there to be a third movie! Either he's read the books and sees the horrible deeds he has done, or the complaint letters where piling up. Couldn't like Legendary Pictures or whoever directed the Hobbit make the PJO movies?! This topic makes me quite glum.. The link I posted does support that there will be no PJO 3rd movie (thank goodness) but if they do make the entire series.. I wonder how they'll portray Percabeth.. and if there's even a third movie.. one name: NICO. I'm scared now. What if they make him confess to Percy in THE 3RD MOVIE? I mean, it sounds like something they would do. *stares at laptop screen* ANYWAYSS.... I hope you liked the rant!
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