Chapter Three.
"Can you hear me?"I can. I think I'm throwing up.
Oh right!, that's my name!
Wait. am I dead?
"Am I dead?" I don't recognize my own voice.
Relieved laughter.
Someone is touching my hair.
Haven't decided weather I'm dead or not yet.
"Not today sunshine."
Only one incredibly annoying person calls me that.
Pretty sure it's the same person who may or may not just killed me.
I opened my eyes.
One pair of annoyingly stunning blue eyes staring right at my face.
Also note that his face is about an inch from mine.
"Did you regret last minute then?"
"You can say that." He smiled.
He lifted me on my feet and held me until I didn't feel like the whole world was spinning.
In his hand he held a small piece of black metal. THE BRACLET, I realized.
"I had to make your heart stop so the tracker would think that you're dead and wont burn your entire leg down," He explained, " but, of course,
without actualy killing you. So that's why I had to ALMOST drown you."
I thought about it for a second, and then decided what my poinion was in this preticular matter.
I did put on quite the show, but deep down I knew he was right.
With that tracker on my leg, I would have become a tasty hybrid salad by the end of the day.
although A LITTLE WARNING would have been more then nice to have.
"You are allowed to help, you know," I barked at Felix who was laying on a tree and looking at the ground with
disinterest while I was carrying wood for a bonfire.
"Yeah, I know." He said without moving his eyes from the ground.
I could barly walk with all that wood. I took three more steps towards him and fell. Well, ALMOST fell.
Just before i hit the ground, I somehow landed on my feet again. Surprisingly, the three tons of woods I was carying did not crush me to death.
I turned around and saw Felix throwing all of the wood to near the bonfire at once, using only one hand. "There." He said in a complaining voice.
Wow, he actualy saved me instead of trying to kill me for once.
"Thanks." I said, trying to sound unenthusiastic, although I felt a strange need to scream like a little fangirl.
He set down by the fire and looked at the burning flame.
I threw a log to the fire and joined him. We set in silence.
"I'm sorry I almost drowned you."
A few more seconds of silence have passed.
"I forgive you", I decided eventualy. "I know it was necessary, but still, a little warning next time?"
"assuming there will be a next time."
"What do you mean?"
He turned his head to me. It looked like his eyes borrowed a little flame from the bonefire.
"assuming there will be a next time I will drown you."
We laughed. It felt good for a change. We kept laughing. Not because of the bad joke,
but because of this whole odd situation. After a full mintue of relieved laughter, we realized how tired we were.
We both tried to lean on the same log at the same time, which created a pretty awkward situation in which
I ended up leaning on Felix's chest. I immidiatly tried to push myself back up. When I couldnt,
I realized that his arms are closing on me. He planned this. At this point I didn't even bother to ask.
I just laid my head back on his chest, trying not to put a lot of my weigh on him, and closed my eyes.
I relished on the way his chest goes up and down with every breath.
I listend to his heart beat, hoping it would speed up. It didn't.
Mine did though, and I was emberessed when I realized he could probably hear that.
I was cozy and warm. With evey time his chest went up and down I could feel my eyes closing a little.
I was one minute from falling asleep when I felt him straighting up.
"What's wrong?" I asked him tiredly.
He sniffed the air and then looked at the bushes infront of us in dread.
I saw something moving in the dark. An animal?
No, too big to be an animal.
Suddenly, a red headed man came out of the bushes, looking at us with an entertained look.
"Well, I'm sorry to interupt," The man said, "But I was hoping to have a little chat with you two boys."
I have never seen nor dreamed to see Felix Northman this scared in my life.
I didn't know who this guy was and honestly by the look on Felix's face I didn't want to.
"Felix, long time no see, buddy." I swear I could feel Felix shake a little. Obviously he knew him.
"Alexander," said Felix in what sounded like pure hate. "I did not miss you."
"See, I'm having a hard time believing that." Alexander replied. I tried to guess their relationship.
"What do you want?" Felix groweld at him with despite.
"Well It's funny you're asking," Alexander smiled "because I had spent the last month trying to find and kill your cute little boyfriend over here."
Then it all made sense. Why Felix was so afraid when he heard that I was captured by a hybrid.
Why he knew how to track his scent that well, and why he could always guess what will his next move be.
All this time, he knew him. I couldnt think of anything to say, which is probably why this came out of my mouth:
"I'm not his boyfriend!" and I regreted it the second it happened.
"Shut up, human."
"Well, sorry," said Felix, "But I can't let you do that."
I didn't know if I should feel thankful about the way he was so protective over me, or be mad at him for not telling me all this time.
"Move!" demanded Alexander. "Or I will kill you myself."
"see," Felix faked a sassy smile "I'm having a hard time believing that."
And at that same moment, Alexander jumped on Felix. I couldnt decide if it was a fight or a rape.
When they hit each other it looked so... sexual. 'Ew' I thought. 'I'm jealouse over Felix Northman.'
And if you were there, you would see an epic-superspeed fight between a hybrid and a thousand years old vampire, and
A little gay dude just standing there, watching.
You couldn't blame me though.
I was pretty sure that if I'd try and get in these two's way, it would be the last bad decicion I ever made.
After one minute of hitting each other with an amount of force that could crush rocks into dust,
Felix looked a little drained. He didn't just looked draind, I realized, The last time he drunk was at the motel,
And who knows when was the last time he slept?
either way, he was losing.
Alexander got on top of him and started bashing his head to the ground, over and over again.
He was about to give him the finel punch, when three meter piece of plank went through his back and impailed him complitly.
At the other side of the plank stood, Paralyzed and redicouilesly terrified, you guessed it. ME.
Felix looked at me with awe. "Oh no. You.. you killed him."
"Wait, I thought wood cant kill hybrids,"
"No, he's not DEAD dead, but technicaly you still killed him."
I was about to ask why was that a bad thing when suddenly I felt like my guts were on fire.
"What's.. What's happening to me?!" I looked at Felix, who looked helpless. "You're transforming." He wispered.
My whole body burned. I knew I was going to pass out the third time this week.
"Into what!?" I already knew the answear to that. But I had to hear him say it.
"A werewolf."
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