Introduction to hetalia (for the challengers challenge)
I am making this for the challengers challenge and it was to make a description of your main fandom and why it's a good idea to join so! Here I introduce to you..
The introduction of hetalia axis powers,world series and beautiful world
Hidekaz himuraya created a web comic of personified countrys called Hetalia back in 2009, and it's popularity eventually grew and so this was recognized by the creator and so he eventually made more strips to it and so enough it became a official manga series and soon enough Funimation™ saw this manga and made a request to air it as an anime and it was agreed later that it would become an official anime and thus Hetalia axis powers was born within the first episode it makes its introduction with a blonde man with glasses explaining about global warming and right next to him stood the American flag and it went to the other characters flashing by beginning with Belgium and ending with Italy and relationships between some of the nations were already shown as it shows France and England fighting and then all the fighting between everyone ends with Germany getting up from his seat and slamming his hands on the table and yells "EVERYBODY SHUT UP!!!" And everyone takes notice and calms down and then he goes on with how everyone will go on with his rules from there on out due to it always getting out of control in every single conference and though the characters are mainly based on their stereotypes Germany clearly states in his fast going speech that everyone has a limited time to talk yet they cannot talk about other country's or themselves at the same time insulting their past and ends with that if anyone needs to talk or feels like they have to be next to raise their hand then a shaking hand rises from next go Germany and he still angry says that he recognizes Italy and Italy yells "pasta" and thus it shows that not only is it history yet a comedy and from personal experience of watching the entire series so far I've witnessed a lot, I've learned about nations I never knew existed before, I learned about history and it's quite educational throughout the time, it even shows the austrian/hungarian succession and it's been shown that 70% of people who watched the show have experienced a grade rise in history at school and thus leaving this to be known for good education and teaches much about history and at the same time gives you a laugh in hard times and it teaches you many things one of the most popular includes Italy's life throughout it and along with holy Roman empires and how he perished and there is at times fan service which it of people like and some dislike but I personally think the main plot is to show that world peace can be possible because in the ending theme I theorize it's supposed to represent world peace because in the end the character singing it most of the time Italy sings about their national food and drink and there is lyrics that translate to "draw a circle that's the earth craw a circle that's the earth draw a circle that's the earth I am italia, ah a wonderful world can be seen with just a stroke of a brush" and it shows a picture of all the nation's standing on the earth holding hands and there's hearts and flowers around which is most likely world peace and though each episode is only 5 minutes long it either teaches you something or makes you laugh or makes you get really deep into thought which all three I have witnessed and though the show can be seen as offensive at times at other times it supports other country's instead of stereotyping them which I think is a balance because every nation is equal in offense and support which is good and the show also carrys quotes some are even nice like two of my favorites one from one of my favorite characters and another from my least favorite the first one is from my favorite, Prussia "When I feel sad I stop being sad and I start being awesome" which I find quite nice and a good thing to say while my least favorite character also says a quote that can really stick to you and so this quote is by France "Those who call themselves 'ugly' don't know that someone out there thinks they are the most beautiful thing in the world."
And so this categorys in: comedy,history and anime so in conclusion hetalia is probably one of the most educational,funny and tear jerking animes I've seen and it really opens your eyes to the world around you and gives you a different prospective on it all and forwards most people to supporting world peace, so in conclusion that is why I think hetalia has a fandom that is worthy to be joined, thank you.
I’m sorry to be such an annoying buzzkill but where did you find the information that 70% of students who watch this pass history class? No offense but I respectfully disagree. I do not watch this show and I have an A in social studies. My class is not at WWII yet but I still disagree.
no offence @Your_Average_Fangirl , but if I'm suppose to go against you in the competition... *gives u my white flag* ... then you already beaten me even though my story doesn't excites yet ^-^
one of the reasons I won't is because I don't Have a main fandom so I can't really say it like it's personal like you... just one of the reasons but thnx :D
*gives u my white flag*
... then you already beaten me even though my story doesn't excites yet ^-^
just one of the reasons but thnx :D