
"Can I help you?" (Damian)
"Remember me. The girl in the parking lot?" (Me)
"Yeah. So what?" (Damian)
"Well I wanted to introduce myself. I am Miranda Kizer." (Me)
"Whatever. Can you get out of my way?" (Damian)
"Sure. Yeah, but you should go to the bonfire tonight." (Me)
"What's in it for me?" (Damian)
"Well you can come meet new friends." (Me)
"Don't care." (Damian)
"Just try it ok?" (Me)
"Whatever." (Damian)
I backed up and let Damian out of his desk. Placing his hands in his pockets, Damian walked out of the room. The rest of day was relaxing and interesting. Students came up to telling me about their summer and that they liked my outfit. Classes went by slowly, and besides first block, the only other class I had with Damian was third block. I mean he is just a human, yet I feel so strange around him. Walking out of school, I went into the forest. The trees' leaves were still light green, and every walk I made crushed sticks. Arriving at a open spot with no trees, five freshman sat in front of me. Two of boys had brown short hair and blue eyes. One was wearing blue jean pants, a black shirt with a band called Avenged Sevenfold on it, and black converses while the other had a button up black shirt with the same pants and converses. The boys appeared to be twins, but I was not sure. Next were the girls. Glaring at the girls, I noticed two of the girls were dressed up, and one was not. One of the dressed up girls had a flowy pink summer dress with spaghetti straps. Her blonde hair was straighten and laying softly on her shoulders while her blue eyes stared at me. Her tan hand was holding a pale hand. Looking at the other dressed up girl, she has on a blue summer dress with thick straps. Her black hair was bouncing on her shoulders while her brown eyes carefully glared at me. The none dressed up girl stared at the ground with her hazel eyes. Her red hair was pulled back in a pony tail while her brown tee-shirt lay loose on her body. Her pants were tight on her small figure while her Nike pink shoes were covered in mud. Then, Ren finally appeared from the shadows.
Ren's medium length blonde hair blew in the wind as his smile glowed on his face. For years, Ren and I have set the rules for the freshman. Ren helped me out it with informing them about the rules since he is second in command. On Ultra, there are six royal families in charge of the kingdom. First is mine aka the royal family. The royal family governs over the kingdom, has the strongest powers, and determines what the Ultrians fate is. Next is Ren aka the enforcement family. The enforcement family determine laws and punishments, help the king and queen with decisions, and is second in command. Third is Kloey aka tranquil family. The tranquil family watches over the supplies for the kingdom, tries to stop war, and stays positive over everything. Fourth is Nick aka wisdom family. The wisdom family keeps in track with the records, watches the money, and collects taxes. Fifth is David aka defense family. The defense family trains the army, works with the weapons, and watches over the perimeter of the kingdom. Last is Regina aka protection family. The protection family watches over the king and queen, weakest of the families, and is pawns in battle. These families kept the kingdom in control and still do in our community on Earth.
Ren has always been by my side. When we were on Ultra, Ren and I were arranged to be married at eighteen, the age for my coronation. Hopefully whatever is going on in Ultra will be over before coronation day.
Ren placed his pale hand on my shoulder and smiled brightly at me. Glaring at the freshman in front, I began to start my speech.
"Welcome, Ultrians. I am Miranda Kizer, and this is Ren Wilson. Today you became high school freshman, but it also means you have a lot of rules. You are not aloud to show anyone your powers, tell who you are, or fall in love with a human. You may have friends with them; however, friends is all you can be." (Me)
"Why not? Many of the adults are with humans." (Blonde girl)
"Let the princess know your names before she answers your question."
"I am Tony! The boy in the band shirt is my twin brother, Timothy" (Tony smiling Timothy waving)
"My name is Courtney." (Blonde girl)
"My name is Brook." (Black hair girl)
"I am Faith." (Red girl)
"Well now that I know you the rules about humans and us is that when we leave they can not come with us. If you have a baby with a human, you will be ripped of your powers and made to stay here." (Me)
"That is not right! We should be able to love whoever we want!" (Courtney)
"Do not yell at your princess! The rules is the rules. Obey them, or there will be punishments." (Ren said)
"Can we play sports with them?" (Faith)
"Yes, but do not show your powers." (Me)
"Will you show us your powers?" (Timothy)
"No I do not think that is a good idea." (Me)
"Yeah. You can't control them! Everyone knows." (Brook)
"Quiet! Leave now!" (Ren yelled making the kids leave)
Looking away from Ren, Brook was right. I could not control my powers. How does everyone know I can not control them? Nothing bad has ever happened. I normally wear my ring to control it. Then, it hit me. I was not wearing my ring. I began panicking. While my breathe went up and down quickly, the wind began to blow harder around me. My body began shaking, and the wind began to circle faster around me. Suddenly, a hand squeezed my shoulder. Ren's blue eyes looked calm as he stared deeply at me. Calming myself, the wind stopped speeding around me.
"You did not wear the ring did you?" (Ren)
"No. I guess I forgot." (Me)
"Well how about we run by your house and get it, and then go to the bonfire?" (Ren)
"Alright just follow me home." (Me)
"Will do, Princess." (Ren)
Walking to the parking lot, we went different ways. At my car, I saw a note on the driver's side.
"We went home with friends. Mom and dad know. Have fun at the bonfire!" (Signed Lucy and Devin)
Smiling, I glared at the truck beside me. I could not believe how much I admired it. I loved muscle cars ever since I arrived, but this truck had something to it. Was it the way the truck was jacked up? Maybe it was no the truck but the guy who was driving it.
"Stop staring." (Damian)
The voice startled me as I twisted around. His blonde haired blowing in the wind while his green eyes look distant.
"I just really like your truck." (Me)
"Cool." (Damian)
"Will I see you tonight?" (Me)
"Maybe. Here comes your boyfriend." (Damian)
"He is not my boyfriend! Just come." (Me)
"Whatever." (Damian)
Shaking my head, I jumped in the car and drove home. For years, no guy has ever acted like that to me. They always wanted to do things with me. Damian made me want to have him hang with me. What was so different about him? He was a rebel? He was not Ultrian? What was is? Clearing my head, I parked in the driveway and ran inside the house. Sitting on the couch was my father. My ruby gold banded ring was in his hand. His blue eyes were looking at me with concerned while his black hair was pulled back. His black button shirt lay unbuttoned on him while his blue jeans lay loose on his legs. His smile groew crocked as I averted his stare.
"Missing something?" (Dad)
"Uh yeah! Sorry, daddy. I forgot about it. First day of junior year you know!" (Me)
My nervous answer made dad know something was going on. One of my many "wonderful" powers was able to see peoples' emotions as auras, and my father's aura appeared to be a red yellow, meaning happy yet mad. Normally, I ignored everyone's auras. It was annoying sometimes to see auras everywhere. However, I knew something was going to happen, or I was going to get yelled at. Standing straight and confident, I smiled brightly at my father ignoring his aura.
"Well I see Ren is outside." (Dad)
"Yeah. All of us are going to a bonfire tonight." (Me)
"I am glad to hear. Do u remember the day I gave you this ring?" (Dad)
"Yeah. It was the day after I threw that girl against the wall for calling me a spoiled brat and that is all I remember." (Me)
"You almost destroyed the school too. You blacked out after that. I had to erase everyone's memories." (Dad)
"Oh. I am sorry." (Me)
"Just remember to wear it." (Dad)
"Yes, daddy. Oh, I have been meaning to ask. Why did we leave Ultra?" (Me)
"I think you are going to be late." (Dad)
A beep came from outside. I glared at my father, grabbed the ring, kissed him on the cheek, and then ran outside. While I was walking outside, I wondered why my father was not telling me things. I am almost eighteen, and I need to know what is going on with my kingdom. When I opened the door of the black ford mustang, the thought finally hit me. What if we were not going home? Would we stay here forever?
As Ren drove out of my driveway, he turned the radio up a little. Looking at Ren, I saw a bright yellow aura. Even though I never said anything, I knew Ren had a crush on me. Every time I was around Ren, he had a bright yellow color, yet I did not feel like that about Ren. He was more like a best friend, but I know if we go back to Ultra, we will be married. In due time, I am sure I will love him when we are married.
"Are you ready?" (Ren)
"Of course! We are juniors!" (Me)
"Yeah. What are you going to college for?" (Ren)
"I am not going to college. We will go home soon." (Me)
"What if we don't?" (Ren)
"I do not know." (Me)
"You remember when we were at home?" (Ren)
"Yeah! The flowers bloomed all the time! The summers were blazing hot that the girls had to cut our dresses! We had winters that were so cold no one wanted to go outside, but of course we would just to have a snowball fight." (Me)
"I see you miss it." (Ren)
"Very much." (Me)
Finally, we pulled up into the party. Party music with a good beat was playing while boys and girls danced around the bonfire. Ren glared at me with his blue eyes and placed his hand on my cheek. His touch was soft and relieving as I felt my face turn blood shot red.
"Just never leave me, Princess." (Ren)
"You are my best friend." (Me)
"Not like that." (Ren)
Trying to get away from this, I opened the door and jumped out of the car. Drunk On You by Luke Bryan was blaring through the radio while I walked around. Girls were grinding on boys with glasses in their hands. Finding my friends, they were laughing and smiling with cups of drinks in their hands. Walking up to them, Regina and Kloey smiled brightly at me. Kloey was wrapped around Nick while Regina walked up to Ren. David was glaring his green eyes at the guys in the corner. The guys in the corner were wearing tight clothes, and a black skin colored guy was winking his brown eyes at David. David waved his hand and ran towards the boys. Regina wrapped her pale arms around Ren's muscular arm. Glaring at her pulling green eyes, Ren rolled his eyes and pulled his arm away.
"This party is pretty good!" (Kloey)
"Kloey is right. Good music, good drinks, and no losers. Well besides the guy in corner by himself." (Nick pointing at the guy)
Looking where Nick was pointing, I saw a blonde haired boy with his eyes closed leaning against a tree. His black shirt was tight on his chest while his blue jeans were loose on his lower part. A orange aura of annoyance covered his body. Smiling, I could not believe he came.
"That jerk." (Me whispering and walking towards Damian)
"Where are you going?" (Ren grabbing my arm)
"To talk to someone." (Me pulling away)
"Oh ignore her!" (Regina)
Rolling my eyes, I was not going to let Regina get to me. I wanted to talk to Damian. I invited him, so I wanted to talk to him. With his head leaned up, I bent and looked at his face.
"What are you doing?" (Damian)
Opening his green eyes, I backed away from Damian's face.
"I came over to talk you." (Me)
"Well talk." (Damian)
"Thank you for coming." (Me)
"Do you think I came for you?" (Damian)
"Well I did invite you." (Me)
"Ok. Sure, Princess." (Damian)
"Do not call me that! Well why did you come?" (Me)
"Nothing else to do." (Damian)
"Oh sure. That's it." (Me)
"What is your name anyway?" (Damian)
"I already told you this morning!" (Me)
"Too early in the morning to remember." (Damian)
"Well what did you remember this morning?" (Me)
"You bugging me, your boyfriend giving me a evil look, and sleeping. Now what is your name?" (Damian)
"He is not my boyfriend! My name is Miranda Kizer." (Me)
"Alright then, Princess Miranda." (Damian)
After he said that, I was about to respond until a strong wind blew the fire out. The humans began worried and started throwing things at the not lite fire. While they threw things in the fire, I heard laughter coming from the shadows. Glaring at my friends, I mouthed them to get all the humans to go home. Damian placed his hand on my shoulder, and my body began to shiver. Damian was cold on my bare shoulders that left chill bumps on my arms, but his touch was so soft and comfortable. Looking at Damian, I saw his eyebrows cocked up while his green eyes looked worried. Then, a growl came from the woods.
Glaring at where the growl came from, a black wolf with red eyes jumped out of the bush. Everyone but Ren, David, Regina, Kloey, Nick, Damian, and me left the bonfire. The wolf had his sharp teeth snarled at as I backed up into Damian. I felt his strong muscles from his chest tighten, and then my back landed on this tree. Damian jumped in front of me with his hand on my waist. My arms were pressed against his firm back. While I saw him standing in front of me protecting me, I felt happy that he was showing a little affection.
"Hey. Gay guy. Hand me that stick." (Damian)
David reached down and tossed the large stick to Damian. After catching the stick, the growling stopped and laughter came from the wolf.
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