Like a shooting star

"Okay, quiet down, the sooner we finish this, the sooner we can go inside." The teacher said, as the class quieted down. "First I will explain the rules then we can try it! Okay, so you are trying to colect the basket ball and place it in the green hola hoop. That is all. But no going outside of the cones. Any way can work as long as you DONT TOUCH THE CONES!! Ok? Go!"
The whole class was frozen now, not just with cold but also disapointment. Get a stupid basket ball? COME ON! Is this the stupid activity. Silence held the air until it was broke by Lake Newstep. A scrawny girl with short brown hair , the bookworm. But although she loved thrillers and horror stories, she was always funny and cheerfull. She was also one you would never want to get angry. Although one of her favorite activities was playing sweetmusic on the violin she also listened to heavy metal and rock and roll nightcore all the time.
"Any tactic?" She asked exited.
" Yes, any tactic" The teacher repiled.
" Good, lets get this party started!" She said as she took of her sweater and rolled up her sleeves. She slaped on a headband and said, "If Katniss Everdeen can survive the Hunger Games than I can do this myself!"
Lake strided to the gate and held out her hands. She closed her eyes and her face showed a look of determination. Her hands never touched the gate but were held strait up. By the look of her face she was searching for something, by her hands she looked stupid.
Suddenly she opened her eyes wide and grined an evil grin, the evil grin was normal, but this time her eyes glowed like a flame. Her hands shot down to a horizontal angle. Her eyes were focused on the ball the whole time. Everyone else in the class was looking at her but I followed her gaze, I looked at the ball, still keeping her in view. The ball seemed flater than normal, had it a leak? No, I know what a deflating ball looks like, this was different, like it was melting! The brown and black were swirling together as her hand lowered slowly at the wrist like she was pushing something down. The ball was now more like a liquid than a solid, as her hands curled it started slowly seeping out and coming across the field. It ganed speed as her hands curled faster! It was almost at the gate! As it seeped through the holes in the fence Lake started stepping slowly back, her face crunched in consentration, other had started to notice the liquid ball, but it was to late for them to guess what it was. The sight was frightning but everyone's eyes were guled to Lake. Frozen in place.
Lake kept on steping back, until she was past the green hola hoop, almost two feet away from the front of our class, almost two feet away from me.
The liquid ball creeped its way into the hola hoop, filling it up to the rim. At this time everyone had noticed it, but no one had found a way to move.
As soon as all of the "ball" was in the hoop, she claped her hands in a brisk, sudden way. And the ball was back to normall! She put her hand to her side and stepped back, letting everyone see the ball in its place. Then she suddenly raised her arm and the ball floted up in the air at a tremendous speed and fell down into her arms.
She bent her knees and jumped, not exactly jumped, but allowed the force of the air to bring her up, and it didn't let go. In a triumphant position she glided up high into the air and said to the rest of us:
"If Lake Newstep can do it then so can you!" And the ball was flung throught the air and landed back in the green hola hoop.
As she shot upwards everyone remembered how to move.
And the last time I was her was as a dot in the sky, fading away like a shooting star.
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