MockingjayDistrict (Nyda and Maji!)
You are my bestest friend! Ever! Keep up your dreams!
(I won't wake you up!) We've had great times...And this includes the eeermmm...D.C. Drama Attack! And bad. Even when your annoying. Because as soon as I get mad, you start to feel guilt. And it makes frustration in me powerful, and it struggles to gain more and escape. So I feel guilty.
Let's put our friendship in 3 words:
You are AWESOME!
And beautiful, inside and out. You inspire me to do better. I have no idea where I'd be without you. Well.....I have one idea... (you: Teeeeelll! *starts scraping eyes out* Me: eeeeew?) Well...can I say...nevermind. (You: So close!)
So anyways, thanks for being me first follower! And my B.F.F.!
So here we have, a cool, smart, nice girl that follows you back! (See what I'm aiming for here? Follow her!)
-Ravenclaw3243 (Aurel)
P.S. Hyogw ereogw ouogy bsessedogo hithogw E.D.?
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I didn't say you are. I said did.
And I wouldn't ever disclude ya.
and lastly, u are very loud, and u proved it by using caps on the first sentence. :D (It comes with the package! *Wink wink* rolf)