Do I See Threee?

Thank you! My Ravens, you guys have been magneficent! (That word reminds me of Maleficent! Hehe!)*Takes deep breath* Ok. For real this time.
When I first joined...I felt really stupid. I had about 2 followers....And one friend. are a great friend. I'm going to be frank with you. Yes...Unfortunately, you are a bit annoying sometimes...And extremely loud. (Right CrystalDiamond2323 and JeweledOwl812?!) But thats a mask that fails to cover the beauty that shines. You have real hopes and dreams. And I will always be next to you, cheering you on. :)
Then I started moving upstream. I got to 100...then 2 three. Sooo....why didn't I make this when I got to 100 or 200? Let me tell. My friends in real life should know I love the number 3. I'm all odds. Black over white, night over day, odd over even, silver over gold...cup half empty. So I waited. I mean, how much better does it get? Three digits, with a three in it. *Faints...almost.*
That's that.
Also, if you are included, you may request to say something that I will publish. No cursing, offensive language, or hurtful words.
Let's start the thanks! (Remember, when I thank you once, I thank you thrice!)
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I didn't say you are. I said did.
And I wouldn't ever disclude ya.
and lastly, u are very loud, and u proved it by using caps on the first sentence. :D (It comes with the package! *Wink wink* rolf)