Carol is the daughter of Santa Claus and Misses.Claus. This is a story of what a 13 year old girls life would be like living in the north pole, And what happens when jack frost attacks the north?
Maya_swanpublished on December 01, 2015not completed
Chapter five: finding dad
I Finally find him in America at his second to last stop. He is on top of a roof unconscious. At first i think that jack frost had got away but i soon see a face in the ground belonging to the one and only jack. I land commit and pull my dad onto him. I climb up my dads last house that he had to do and delivered the presents for him. I take the last present out of the box when i hear a gasp. Ilook over to see a four year old boy standing wide mouthed in the corner "Santa is a girl"! he says in a whispers "and young" he runs into the hall and i finish up and get out of there before he could come back. I jump onto Commit and ride home.