The Visitors

A teenage girl suddenly developes the ability to see, and talk to ghosts. She learns she has several ghosts living in her house. This is part of an ongoing series to continue for a while.

published on July 07, 2015not completed

A ghost? In my house?

   I'm Diane, 14 years old. I always felt i was different than everyone else. I know teenagers always think that but I'm being serious. I really hope I'm right.
   I'm trying to sleep, it's 3 in the morning. I keep hearing sounds, like talking. "Dan, you she can't see you"? "I know, but maybe I can help that". Ugh, who is saying this, i'm getting scared.
   Suddenly I felt a weird chill. I opened my eyes, and saw this guy standing beside me. He was white, with black hair. He was pretty good looking. "Ahh!" I couldn't help but scream. There was a stranger in my room. "Who are you?" I asked. The strange guy replied "I'm Dan. Don't worry i'm just a ghost living in your house". He said that so causually, seriously what's wrong with this guy? I blinked for just a second, and he was gone.
   I looked around, and suddenly he was laying next to me. "See now do you believe me? A human couldn't travel that fast". I decided just to believe him. I replied "Yeah I believe you.
   He disapeared into my closet. I heared a woman say "Dan you know you shouldn't mess around with magic". Was she another ghost? I decided to go to sleep, and deal with it in the morning. I always hoped I was different. Did Dan give me some supernatural power? Was he not supposed to?
   A strange woman woke me up in the middle of the night. She looked like she was a pioneer woman, and she had pretty blonde hair in ringlets. It was strange she looked like she was from pioneer times, while Dan looked modern. "Just listen". She told me in a firm, but comforting voice. "Dan broke one of our rules, and used magic to allow you to see, and communicate with ghosts. You may feel weird for a short number of days. Magic can overwhelm humans. Oh, and don't get involved with Dan. That boy is nothing, but trouble".
   After talking to me it seemed she disapeared into thin air. I'm glad know what's going on now, but I can't sleep. Why did dan brake their rules? Why did he disapear without really telling me anything? Who was this woman? How many ghosts live in my house?
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Comments (8)

Nice. I love the plot. I hate to be that one girl, but there are a few grammar errors. Other than that, 10/10.
About Author
on September 10, 2015
Love your story
About Author
on July 08, 2015
Looking good!
No problem!
About Author
on July 07, 2015
About Author
on July 07, 2015
About Author
on July 07, 2015
Wow! Ur an AWESOME writer!
About Author
on July 07, 2015
About Author
on July 07, 2015
About Author
on July 07, 2015