Seven admirers

Seven admirers

You are Viola, a brave independent young lady, sixteen years old, Hanging around the forest as usual, come across a beautiful wounded bird, which leads you to Eleven unique Suitors, Each eager to know about you and make you ..their BRIDE! Which gentleman out of those perfect guys will win your heart? (Please read intro)

published on August 20, 2018not completed

Locked together

Locked together
You and her were still sitting in the park bench, still holding each other's hands. Even if it was a gurl, you felt a bit nervous and were planning what to say next inside your head. Her hands were warm and cozy. You felt comfortable and almost forgot about everything. "How long we will be sitting here" she pouted
"Oh sorry..lets go closet?" You asked
"No..not closet. Its like my workshop..private workshop. I'll take your measurements there and make a dress you'll  like. "
"Not fair..i should treat you for saving me."
"Nah. Its a treat for me make a dress for you:
"Huh...really?" You were suspicious byt flattered by her praises.
"Here , this is my room"
"You live with these people?" You were curious about that lady.
She was too nice to be true . But you couldn't believe that she was a part of their family

"Them. Yes. They adopted me when i was little. " she said without feeling anything , a blank face.
"Sorry.." you apologized as you thought she would have felt bad remembering the past.
"What. Why?" She batted her eyes innocently.

She opened a drawer and picked out a box. She pulled out the measuring tape "c'mon. Let me see...we'll start from waist. She slowly grabbed you by the waist and and tied the tape across your waist. "You've got a good figure" she sneered
"What-t!!" You screamed going plum red
"And here...and oh Arms straight! " she held your shoulders
From red you were getting purple. Red because you were too embarassed and blue because you were feeling sick!
"I think its  enough..Ma'am. .. I need to go..."
She squished your arm , not letting you go
"What's with that formality? Hon, Call me by my name, Axel."
It was a limit to your patience and you bursted out
"Ma'am! Whichever it is! I appreciate your efforts but this is beyond know..the shouldn't  really do this to somebody. And being a girl , like me, you know it is hard to take measurements from a stranger , don't you? " you sobbed
Axel pushed you on a coach ,cornered you,  taking support of the wall with one hand and other holding your hand.
"Who said I'm a girl or not? " Axel removed her shirt .
"Your'e a.. trap..?!? You said in disbelief
"Like it matters. Whatever you are , whatever i am, Violet! I am all yours and you are all mine. Those guys are wolves in sheep's clothing! I am your guardian.!! Like you said before!! Remember! !! Trust me , not them. They want you for getting all that money!!! Be with me!" Axel tried to unbutton your shirt . You slapped him hard. But that just made him even wild . "You..slapped Why would you do that?!? I'm your friend!!"
"Shut up you *********** ! Get away from me. One step close, you'll see my dark side...i'm  warning you!" You cursed
"What..did say....." he widened his eyes and kissed you hardly on your neck, like a blood sucking vampire. He held your hands too tight that you couldn't even attack. You kicked him with your legs but he didn't  move and just endured the pain.

"Why are you so stubborn" you asked almost into tears ..of anger.
You hit him hard on the stomach. He wailed in pain & finally let your hands leave.
"I would have been your friend if you weren't such a creep!" You marched out of the room. It was raining very heavily. You were running in the rain but got tripped by a rock and fell on the hard ground. You let yourself loose there it self, exhausted from all the drama, still in the trauma.
You tried your best to keep your eyes open but all in vain.
"Is this is the end " you muttered before you went into your dreamland.

You could feel the vibrant sun rays  beaming and reflecting on you and directly falling on your eyes. You blink repeatedly , scratching your head. You find yourselves in a heap of hay and a sged like room with fodder and horses .
Master, she's very much alive!like i said!" A man , with a water jug said
"Oh, she is? I thought it was a corpse. Well like i care. !" A shiny  golden blonde haired twirling  his silky hair, in a fancy school uniform.
"Why am i in the shed" you asked the man
"You should be knowing that!" The man said staring at you weirdly.
"And i should be asking you that. " the blondie said , not even giving a glance at you.
The pic above is axel looks like
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