Chapter 1, A kittypet

A pet store worker opened the door and picked her up. She was handed to a young human child. The child petted Dawn carefully, and the child carried the kitten home.
Dawn looked around the room curiously. There was a cat bed near the fireplace, presumably for herself. She could see a kitchen through a door, and chose to walk to it. A bowl of food and one with water sat in the corner. She walked back to the living room, looking for other doors. She saw no doors but there were some interesting stairs. Upstairs were three doors, the first one was a bathroom. The second one seemed to be a bedroom for the child. The other was likely the adult human's room, but the door was closed. There were some more stairs that lead to a sun room. One of the windows was open, so Dawn jumped through.
"Hey stranger!" said a ginger tabby with fuzzy paws.
"Um, hi?..." responded Dawn.
"I'm Fuzz, who are you?" said the cat.
Dawn judged the odd cat. She knew the fuzzy cat was a tom not much older than herself. The cat seemed nice, if weird.
"I'm Dawn," she replied hoping Fuzz was trustworthy.
"So how long have you been here," Fuzz asked immediately.
"I just got here today," said Dawn
"I can introduce you to the neighbors, then!"
Then Fuzz ran to a house just down the street. He motioned with his tail for Dawn to come. Dawn walked up a little more slowly.
"Speckle lives here, but she doesn't come out often," said Fuzz. "I think Speckle has kittens. "And Ebony lives across the street, but he doesn't like anyone new much.
Then Fuzz lead Dawn to the next place.
"This is my home," he said proudly. "And a weird cat who looks a little like you lives in the alley behind the house." "She doesn't show up often."
"What do you mean by someone like me?" asked Dawn.
"A lithe cat with muscular legs, mostly grey fur, and around 6 months old." replied Fuzz.
Then, not waiting for a response, he ran a couple houses down.
"This is where Flower, Rose, and Mint live," said Fuzz. "Willow lived here before too." "That's everyone around here, except the alley dwellers."
"Alley dwellers?" Dawn repeated curiously.
"Yes cats like that one mentioned earlier, except less trustworthy I've heard," said Fuzz quickly.
Fuzz led Dawn back to her new home. Then left and went to his own home.
Dawn climbed back through the window. She walked downstairs and saw the humans sitting on the couch. The human child seemed to called to her, so she walked to them. One of the older humans set her on the couch and petted her.
Eventually she got up and hopped off the couch. She went to the kitchen and ate some food from her bowl. Then she groomed herself for awhile. When she went back to the living room it was late. Since the humans had gone to bed, she decided to do the same.
It was clearly night, yet there was enough light see by easily. A River flowed past quickly.
Dawn looked at herself in the river. Suddenly her reflection became another cat resembling herself. The water held a proud grey tom's reflection instead of Dawn's.
"Greetings," said a voice from behind her.
Dawn turned and saw a fur-less cat.
"Who are you," asked Dawn curiously.
"I am an ancient called Rock, or Teller of the Pointed Stones," replied the strange starry cat.
"Why am I here," said Dawn.
"You have an important destiny young one," Rock said.
Then Rock disappeared and the moonlight faded.
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