The Man in the Blue Box

I was at my dad's house that day. He despised my love for Doctor Who. I didn't care, though. I still adored the show. One night, he caught me watching Doctor Who in the middle of the night. He turned off my TV and told me to go to sleep. When he left, I laid in bed, staring at the ceiling. I remembered scenes from my favorite episodes and the times that made me cry. I started daydreaming, and my mind flew back to the very first episode. Just the thought of it made me smile. Eventually, I started to close my eyes with drowsiness.
I was about to fall asleep when I heard an odd sound. It was - well, how do I describe it? It sounded like a mechanical wheezing, almost. However strange it was, though, I knew what it was. I jumped out of bed and ran to my window.
And there it was; a tall, blue police box, standing at the edge of my driveway. I desperately refrained from squealing in delight. Quietly, I opened my window and crawled out. I ran as fast as I could towards the box. It was almost as if my mind had locked onto the box like a homing device. All I wanted to do was get to it.
After a few seconds of sprinting, I finally reached it. My mind went crazy with awe. A million questions were flurrying though my head like snowflakes. How was it here? Was this just a prank? I couldn't stop thinking. I slowly walked around the blue box, admiring every inch of it.
As I was walking back around the front, I saw the door slowly open. I wanted to back away because I was pretty shy, but I didn't. My courage kicked in and I stood firm.
I saw someone step out of the blue box. My fear returned and I turned to run away, but I was held in place by an odd sense of calm. I turned back around and saw a man standing there. He was tall and rather thin, and his dark brown hair fell into his piercing green eyes. A brown coat was slung over his shoulder. I stared quizzically at him. He looked so young, yet his eyes were tired as if he'd seen too much in a short amount of time. I knew I had seen him before, but like a word you forget, I couldn't bring myself to remember him. I wanted to say something, but my brain didn't seem to cooperate. I gulped, feeling like an idiot in front of the man. He didn't seem to care, though. He reached out his hand, as if beckoning me to come inside. Tentatively, I took it, and he pulled me in, closing the door behind me.
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