
Cloud buried her muzzle in moss, still ashamed of starting the fight, of which injured the pack's deputy. Midnight at her side, trying to cheer her beloved friend up. "Hey today is the day we get graded to see if we become hunters or fighters!" Midnight smiled, "it's also tomorrow's Truce Meeting night!". Cloud stared grimly at Midnight, "I'll probably fail at grading, so why bother going anyway". "Don't be so down, I'm sure you'll get your name!" Midnight stared back at cloud. "And Truce Meeting will just be a way to be embarrassed, everyone will have heard about my stupidity" Cloud teared away from Midnight's gaze, "think what every dog will think of me!". "No one will spill the beans, no one will think your stupid" Midnight licked Cloud's ear, "The dogs will think your awesome, the only bad thing dogs will think badly of you about, is not catching those five deer". Cloud's face broke into a smile, "thank you Midnight". "Anytime" Midnight grinned.
"All dog big and old, young and small gather around for a meeting" Alpha stepped up onto the High Rock, as the pack gathered around. "Today three pups are earning their place in our pack" Alpha looked excited, "Blacky, Cloud, and Midnight please step up". The three puppies stepped up, tongues lolling out.
"Blacky for your calm and hard working personality" Alpha stared happily at the black furred puppy, "I name you Night breeze, I place you in hunter". The pack cheered, and welcomed the new hunter.
"Cloud for your Clever and Playful personality" Alpha welcomed up the browed furred pup, "I name you Coyote, I think you'll fit best with the hunters". Coyote burst with excitement as she ran down to Night Breeze.
"Midnight" Alpha stared at the odd pup, "Midnight". Midnight looked hopefully at her leader. "For your fast, fierce, and hopeful personality" Alpha smiled, "I name you Waterfall, and you perfectly fall into the fighters". Waterfall ran down surprised she wasn't with Coyote.
Waterfall slunk out camp, alone for her Guarding. Only Fighters did Guarding, Hunters had to hunt a deer together the next day. Slinking through the forest Waterfall felt her surrounds sweep peace into her. This truly was the best life.
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