Chapter 3; "Slowly Going Crazy"

Jake tried to pull himself into the human flow of people, but ended up being hit and attacked by office workers. However, Jake wasn't going to give up because of that. He got back onto his feet and made a growling noise, which scared a group of 7 teenage girls. Jake pulled into their spot and started making it through the crowd.
After Jake walked at least a mile, he realized he was in Tokyo. But how would Jake end up across the ocean from where his home was? That was highly impossible, but then again, he just witnessed his house being taken over by darkness, being impaled by a large spike, and then missing his eyeballs.
This was nothing new for Jake at this time.
Jake pulled out of the crowd and stood in front of a large building with large Japanese letters on the front. Jake didn't know Japanese, but somehow he translated it to be; Airport.. Also, he saw large planes landing behind the building....
Jake pulled open the doors, just as a woman was walking out. She dropped her suitcase and fell to the ground.
Jake looked at the woman and then up into the airport. Then Jake continued walking.
At the front desk, the man was speaking some gibberish that Jake didn't understand.. Since it was Japanese.
"English??" Jake asked.
The man looked at Jake with confusion.
The Japanese man behind the till nodded and turned around and into the back. Jake heard him call out a name; "PERCY"
A new man, looking American, appeared behind the till and spoke pure English. He told Jake that Makeup would scare the passengers, so he'd have to wash it off in the plane's bathroom. Percy handed Jake a passport to the USA, and then directed him onto the plane..
At 5:45pm, the plane took flight with Jake on board. Jake peered out the window, and then he went numb.. Unable to control his body, but he saw everything that was happening.. And it wasn't good.
[End of book 1]
[Book 2; Certain Death]
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Wow I failed