His Escape Plan

Opening to door, I glanced around to see if anyone was coming. Clear. Walking out, I glared around to find out where that scumbag went. After three hallways, I found the scum about to enter a room. Glancing above him, I noticed an air fit. Perfect. I could fit in. As soon as he went inside, I grabbed the vent and pulled it off. Pulling myself up, I slide inside and pulled the vent where it looked like nothing was there.
Crawling through the dusty air vent, I heard the scumbag's voice talking, "We have a problem. A 'old' friend of Project R has returned."
A lean male shocked voice responded, "How? The attack was meant to kill anyone she cared about." I felt my blood boil over what the guy said. How could they do such a vile thing to a young girl?
"Apparently, Goliath missed one." Roger added. I heard the cold careless voice echoing out of him.
"Impossible. He must be dealt with immediately!" A dark voice ordered as I heard a hand slam against the table. "She is a dark fighting machine. We made sure of it."
"Sir, with her memories gone, I doubt she remembers him." Roger commented. I knew it! The Professor would not take her memories.
"Well, you need to do your job, Roger. Professor Grayson had a reason for choosing her to observe. I am still wondering why." The dark voice echoed as I hurried out of vent. I busted down the vent I fixed and ran down to get Raven. I knew he was a liar. If they keep on digging through the Professor's work, they will find out the truth.
Opening the door, I ran beside Raven and tried waking her up, "Raven, get up now! We have to leave."
With her weapons still on her, her cute tired voice echoed out of her mouth, "Ace? What is wrong?" I had to time to admire her cuteness.
Picking her up, I tried to remain my cool normal self. "Don't worry, Princess. Let us get out of here, and I will explain everything." Holding her in my arms, I bursted out the door and rushed down the hallway. I remembered the back door she showed me in. Turning the hallway, I saw the door. Bursting out, I hurried as fast as I could to find a runner. A runner would help with keeping my energy.
"Ok. Ace, what is going on?" Locating a runner, I jumped on it with Raven in front of me. Kicking its side, the runner cut out running as I heard a siren of alarm explode from the base.
"Raven, if you don't trust me, I don't blame you. I did not trust Roger, so I followed him. Turns out, some people manipulated your memories. That is one reason you can't remember me, but I know what will." I answered holding onto her and the runner tight. Raven, I never asked for much, but please believe me.
"I'm dreaming. That is it." I heard the denial in her voice. I'm sorry, Raven. I dreamed of us meeting a different way than this.
Then, I heard the dark voice from the back of my head repeat the words, "Wraith Raven..Wraith Raven.." Yes dumb voice her name is Raven. I wonder if she heard my name.
"I apologize, Raven. For now, let me get you away from here." Smiling, I tried calming her down. Placing my hand on her head, I slowly petted it. When we were little, petting her head would always calm her down.
Feeling her body grow limp, I knew she was going to sleep while I continued to stir the runner. Remembering the pod, I realized it could not be used as a ship due to its terrible shape. I knew there was a Rock base several miles away from here. Hopefully, this runner can make it. If not, we have dinner.
After a what felt like ten miles away from the Canyon base, I decided to find a cave to rest in. The cave was dark and moist while runners hurried through out the outside. Carrying Raven, I got off of the runner and let it go free.
Sitting down, I held her close to me. I remembered the memories of us with the Professor. Raven and I running through the grassy terrain as the Professor watched us frequently on his computer. Then, it hit me. Raven and I made a promise. If we ever forgot each other, we would meet back at the laboratory. I know where to go.
Her blue eyes opened and stared at me in confused. Well, this shall be interesting. "Where am I? Ace, what am I doing in your arms?" She asked rubbing her eyes.
"Sorry, Princess, but that dream was the truth." I smiled watching as her eyes opened in confusion.
"You are lying! No way! No.." Raven lowered her head in hate. I noticed a red light gleaming from her face. No. I can't let her change.
"Listen, if you think I am lying. Just wait. They will chase us to this area, and you will see." I tried calming her down.
"Fine. But, how will they not catch us." She asked. Picking her up, I walked outside and pointed to the cave above us. "Ok. How do you get up there?" She always asked too many questions. One thing I hate about her.
"Have you not realized we can use our monster abilities any time?" Relaxing my legs, I felt the monster blood explode through every vein in my legs as I pressed down and jumped. The jump shot us through the air higher than the cave. Bracing for impact, I felt the rocky cave explode under my feet.
"I forget you are like me." Raven said so relaxed as she jumped out of my arms.
"You also forget me, but that will change." I mentioned smiling at her.
"If what you say is true, how will I remember erased memories?" I watched as she sat down deeper inside the cave. Raven was always a pessimistic when it came to trusting me. I don't blame her.
"The brain is a strange organ." I mentioned sitting beside her. "It always us to remember items we may have forgot. Some memories are hard to remember, but they are still there. If the memories are not there any more, well I will have the memories for both of us."
"You are so weird." She commented after my amazing point of view. I felt my eyebrow twitch. I am weird?
"Did you just say I'm weird? I am the weird one." I chuckled rolling my eyes.
"You woke me up from a nice base to a decent cave." Raven looked at me with the 'I'm right your wrong' look.
"I did it for your protection. You will learn." I commented as I heard her stomach growl, and eyes changed dark red. Damn. She has not ate. This is not good. "You have not ate have you?"
"Is it that obvious?" She tried smiling, but I could tell her stomach hurt too much.
Standing up, I smiled at her and started walking through the cave. "Maybe some watchers are in here! I will go look." I know watchers are not the fastest of birds, but she needs food. I need food.
Walking through the dark cave, I remember an old conversation the Professor and I had. We talked about my role to Raven. We are the only two that can change. Professor thought us so much. How to read their language, how to control our hunger, and so many other abilities to help us live with others.
Why? Why did they do that to her? Slamming my hand against the rocky cave, I felt my blood boil with anger. I will get her memories back even if it kills me.
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