I'm a wha.?

I sat down, back on the bed, and looked at the nightstand again. It had a crown on it. It had golden outlines, and it was filled with ruby, with four diamonds, and diamond designs on it. As I got up from the bed, my knee grew weak and I almost fell making the loudest noise that even scared me. In came a stranger, rushing as if he's running away from the cops, because he just killed somebody. "Your highness are you alright?!" The stranger said with worry in his voice. "Your highness? What do you mean? I've never even met you. Who are you?" I start asking questions like I just caught the criminal, and now I'm trying to prove he's guilty.
"My, whatever do you mean, my queen?" Now things are getting strange. 'Your highness? My queen? What the hell is he talking about?!' "All I know is that I am no queen of anybody what-so-ever ." He laughed at my response like he was just proven innocent when he know he's guilty. "My league, you are quite the entertainer. But leave that job to the jester. Now you must come out, and see your subjects.Their waiting." He put the crown on my head, and pushed me out of the room to the terrace.
It was night, but a beautiful night. All the stars could be seen.They looked like snow falling down on a nice, cool, winter day. As I made my appearance to what seemed the biggest crowd in history, they all cheered and shouted, as if I magically saved them from their worst nightmare.
The strange guy who claims I'm the queen said in a low voice "Your majesty, say something to your subjects, they eagerly await your voice to be heard." "What do they want to hear?" He didn't respond back after my response. He stayed silence as if he didn't know what to say to me, or he thought I was acting like a complete idiot. Well after a while, I finally say something that might or might not be stupid "Good evening my fellow subjects," of course, I went on as if I was their queen, I had to wing it if I wanted answers. "We are gathered here tonight, for... for.. for... erm..."
Everybody started whispering, and gasping, as if I was an idiot. The stranger leaned in closer and told me "Your highness, we are gathered here tonight for a surprise, you have been planning for the past month." I start thinking fast to see what i could be, I look to all sides possible and I even look down to my so-called 'subjects', but I didn't find anything that could give not even a clue to me.
The stranger leaned in again and told me " Your majesty, you have been planning a execution, to the most wanted person in the kingdom ever to step foot. Now it's your call, my league." I set my eyes back to the crowd, puff up my chest with courage, and say "My fellow subjects, we are gathered here tonight on the most momentums of nights. Where we will finally get the freedom we deserve!" Everybody started cheering, and jumping up and down, and screaming "LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!". But when I speak they all shut their mouths as if I just fired a gun and their listening to where it came from. "Tonight we get rid of what should've been taken care of long ago, tonight is the execution of the most wanted criminal in the kingdom!" Everybody started cheering again and shouting "LONG LIVE THE QUEEN!", music started and people started dancing. Then the gates to go inside the castle open, and everybody rushes inside. As I get off the terrace into whats seem to be my room I start thinking and panicking 'If i'm a queen... then... is there a KING?!?!'
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Are we all getting added or just certain people?
I'm confused (no offence)