Practice makes another Juno

Minghao POV
"Minghao hold your breathe" said Juno. I did was I was told as I felt her spay something into my hair. Jun and the rest of the guys left me with her. Saying she needed to get me ready for a welcoming ceremony. The mirrors where covered as juno gave me instructions. When I was aloud to talk she made me talk about China,my family and freinds, what my majors are, and random stuff about me. When I couldn't talk about myself she talked about herself. She said she would get ready as soon as I was done. But another girl was shoved into the room with us with long black hair. Juno made her shower while she quickly got a dress and a pair of shoes out for the girl. As she finished me the girl came out. Her long black hair contrasted on her almost ghost like skin.
"Um not to be rude but where do you guys originate from" I asked and juno smiled.
"I'm mixed. In Korean but I'm also German" said Juno. Explaining her looks. Then a voice almost like warm silk with a cold edge to it spoke.
"I'm from the netherlands but I have some Korean in me. We moved here before I could remember." said the girl
"Um what's your name" I asked
"Sera, Seraphina" she said. Giving me a small smile. She walked back into the bathroom change while Juno made me dress and turn around so she could two. When she said to turn around again after I finished dressing I turned to see Sera coming put also in a floor length blue dress that went lighter at the top to dark blue down to the bottom. Like the ocean. It had a slit on her right side and a slim silver chain as a belt to add to effect of the sleeveless gown. It also showed her silver wedges that made her seem four inches taller.
Juno was wearing a red thigh length dress with black high heels. She quickly whipped her hair into a braid with a red ribbon winding down it. She then moved Sera's long black hair into a braided bun and put a silver hair pin that had a flower with hanging blue beads from it into the bun. She did Sera's makeup and then hers.
She slowly dragged down the cloth covering the mirror. Revealing my dyed hair slightly spiked up. My makeup was done so perfectly that I wondered how she did it. The black suit complemented my body. Which is why I guess Juno chose it.
"We should get going. Its not everyday we get a transfer student. Or any student to exact" said Juno.
"What is this a special event or something" I asked. Both of them nodded
"We may be a big school. But that's because people of any year start here, but the acceptance rate for anything above fourth grade is 5%. So you getting accepted induces a party. But it also means you have to look good when you show. Which is why the guys handed you off to me. Also why they gave Sera to me. It doesn't matter where your from here. Everyone here is practically from a diffent part of world anyway. Why says a certain class of people is better. When you can just be equal." said Juno. Leading me down the halls of the girls down that was empty.
"Usually the party's are held in the big arena because it can be transformed easily." said Sera
"I think Minghao will make waves because I made you look amazing. Also since Sera barely shows up because of something a year ago for the parties. I think she will show that guy that she's moved on and is better" said Juno. Sera nodded to that
"What guy" I asked. Sera smiled at me.
"My ex. He cheated on me for another because I was imperfect. Because I was a loser. Because I was ugly. Alot happens in a year minghao. What's better than taking revenge by breaking them up. Showing him that you moved on. Showing him that your different. That he doesn't diffine you." said Sera. How is she ugly???
"Sera your not ugly" I said and she laughed,
"That's what I'm showing everyone tonight also, thanks for being accepted Minghao" she said smiling at me. The sunset casting a golden glow onto her. Juno opened a door to the outside as I saw lanterns covering the paths leading to the arena flowers and everything where set up. Sera led us through everything her slight dress train swishing behind her like actually water. As we arrived at the door I was suddenly nervous. What if I was to over dressed?
Two I'm guessing teachers starred shocked before smiling and pushing the door open for us to a dance almost like a prom. So we weren't over dressed. And then everyone turned towards us. Sera started to smile as Juno and her led me through the door. People looked shocked as we walked to a group of guys. Jun came out from them and looked really shocked and kinda happy. Sera whipped around as her painted rose pink lips smiled at the crowd
"Sera? The new kid? Juno? Wait what" I heard a kid in the crowd say. A woman who looked like Juno strutted through crowd her gold dress billowing behind her along with her long Carmel waves of hair.
"Everyone meet the new kid Minghao. And its nice to see you again Sera" she said, as she said that every seemed to physically let out a sigh together. The music started again as Jun starred at me. I smiled at him. I felt a small hand clutch part of my sleeve as I turned and saw Sera watch as a guy and a girl with short blonde hair walked to us,
"I see you showed up" said the guy. Obviously not enjoying her presence.
"Yes I did. Am I not aloud to myself," said Sera her voice turning cold as she let go of me and jun stood by my side with Juno to watch, Sera's small figure to the two in front of her looked almost sad by the way they towered over her. But her defiant glare seemed to make the size shrink.
"I thought you wouldn't show yourself as I did ruin you last year" sneered the girl.
"Listen you have him now good luck. I don't hold on to being ruined. I rather be myself then holding onto a memory of imperfect scars" said Sera standing taller. The boy seemed shocked at her words
"Well me and Jay think you shouldn't show yourself that way, it makes us look bad" said the girl
"Vanessa I do not care about if you look bad, you need to move on. I'm moving on. I can show myself the way want." said Sera
"Didn't know queen could be so sassy" said jun
"Who" I asked
"Oh nothing." he said.
"Remeber don't practice and beat me or you will be like juno" said Vanessa
"Me and her will show you that ruining people to get what you want isn't what gets you to the top" said Sera. The guy I'm guessing Jay seemed angry
"You can't talk to my GIRLFRIEND that way" he said stressing the word girlfriend. Sera smirked.
"Sure I can. Now can you please go so I can enjoy this night" said Sera sticking her right hip out and putting her hand on it. The two stormed off as she turned to us smiling
"That was lovely" she said
~to be continued~
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