Mingyu the bathtub is broken again

I woke up with jun in the room again at around 9. His body seemingly encased by the harsh light coming from the window. He turned around and saw me slowly rising up and he smiled,
"Did you have a good sleep?" he asked, I nodded as I got up and grabbed my clothes to change. The clothes were my uniform. Which surprisingly consisted of black pants and a white shirt with seven ties. One color in guessing for the day of the week. Also a black jacket both the ties and jacket had a small sticker saying optional. A name tag came with the jacket I'm guessing to show who I am even more. Finally a bracelet of two intertwined silver and gold chains with a coiled jade dragon charm on it. A small note fell next to it. It was folded like a lotus which was weird to me. I gently unfolded it and saw the first few words.
"Dear who ever this is too.
Hello.... I am Misty....I am.., I mean was Some one special to Junhui. In guessing you know him because I put this in the only place it could get to someone who can help jun. Please take care of him. Ask him about me go ahead but hear me out. Even before I go I know that you will ask what happened to me. I don't know either while I'm writing this. But you must know I am being chased. My color is white. Like the moon or innocents. Who ever gets this be confident ask him. Say she said to. Show him the letter if you need. But please wear the bracelet. Its a promise between you,me,and the moon. You must protect him. Please care for him. I know he will be important to you someday. Do not question it please. Just wear the bracelet .... I must go now.... Good luck. This was misty" it read. Stuck on to it was a picture a young girl with thigh length Carmel brown hair and black eyes. Her red lips drawn into a smile as she looked like she was about to twirl as her red dress looked like a spinning flower. I looked down at the swirling bracelet and decided it was for the best to put it on and put on my clothes. As I walked out I saw jun laying on his bed. I walked towards him with the paper.
"Um hey jun....who's misty" I asked and he dropped the thing he was holding. He turned with me with wide eyes
"H-How do you know about her?" he asked. His voice shaking.
"I just do..what happened to her? Who is she?" I asked, he slowly sat down.
"Who told you to ask me." he said
"She said to. She told me in a letter" I said showing the folded paper. His eyes widened before he patted right next to him on the bed. Obviously asking for me to sit.
"Do you really want to know who she is?" he asked. I nodded.
"She was my older sister, she worked with me in my line of work. She was best friends with my boss. Her nickname was always the empress because it said she got a job done faster then the boss herself. Until one day I was working with her and all of a sudden she was killed. Her body thrown from the 35th floor of a company. She landed almost like a angel though. Almost like she knew she would die. She even left me notes and a nickname with a color. Her name wasn't originally misty. It was Yu Lang. Their was a picture of where she landed in a flower bed under that company. Her hair around her like a halo her jacket open to show a bloody stomach through her white shirt. Her legs crossed and her hands to her side almost like she was asleep. A smile placed on her lips her eyes closed. She almost even looked alive for that breif few seconds. Her funeral was small. She was buried in her favorite place. A small hill with a cherry blossom a few miles from are hometown. I'm guessing she wanted to pass her self to you since she wanted someone even if she was gone to always be with me." he said. I was shocked. A dead woman gave me a note and a price of jewelry. She wanted me to take over her spot. His sister. His sister is the dead woman. Yu is misty.
"Jun im so sorry" I said. He smiled a little at that.
"Its ok. Its her wish for you to take over her place, ill tell you what we did later. Lets meet the others" he said. His smile showing a small amount of pain. I nodded as he stood up and I did two. I put the note with my stuff from china as we both left the dorm. We walked down three doors to where I hear laughing and muffled yells as jun knocked on the door. A tall guy with brown hair and a girl with tumbling Carmel brown curls with slight blue highlights that went to her middle back. Her ice blue eyes stared back at me. Oddly she was wearing a black tangtop and grey sweat pants as she greeted us by the door
"Oh hey jun. This your new room mate" she asked. Her pink lips forming a gentle mother like smile.
"Yeah this is minghao. Minghao, Juno, Juno Minghao" I said. She nodded her head towards me with a smile.
"You may be wondering why I'm here. Its board game and show us your monthly project day. And no I didn't sneak here at two in the morning for Joshua's daily brush jeonghans hair hour." she said holding her small hand. She was at least 6 inches shorter then me. Jun laughed at what she said while I shook her hand. The tall boy turned around and walked back inside the room as Juno led us into the room where everything was pushed to the side, a ring of at least 12 boys sat on the pushed around furniture. Jun led me to a empty couch as juno walked into the bathroom and came out a minute later in tights with point shoes, her tangtop replaced with a black dress that had silver lace all around it. It wasn't gaudy it complimented her and her body. Her hair now in a bun. I looked around the room at the various boys all starring intently at Juno. One of the boys turned off the lights and turned on ones that focused only on Juno. Music started to flow through the room not like any music I've heard. To me must ballet music is chunky or to sharp or to soft or doesn't flow.
But this song seemed to flow around me like the waves in the ocean. She slowly rose from her spot almost like a growing flower. She stared doing various spins and out of that she instead of leaping like I would expect her too. She backflipped. I heard gasps come from around the room. I was entranced. And then I heard the music change from beauty to almost a mix between sad, angry, happy, and mostly seductive. She clapped her hands as started dancing a different style while also adding her point moves. One of the most amazing moves was at the end though. Out of coming spinning she did a back hand spring and then a flip before landing on the ground in the slits before the music ended with her hugging her knees to her chest. I knew her song and dance had a story and I want to know that story. She stood up as claps started to come. Jun whistled and the tall boy I saw before screamed that she was awesome with four others. The lights turned back on as juno changed back again and cake out in what she was in be for except now wearing a blue sweat jacket and her hair still up in a bun.
"So jun. What can your roommate do" asked the tall guy.
"I don't know Mingyu ask him" said jun. Mingyu looked at me after that.
"I-i can do martial arts,dance,sing,rap,athletics...." I said completely forgetting everything else. Juno gave out a small laugh.
"Come on guys We will find out when my sister lets him join the show. Now lets get back to monoply, we saw everyone but jun and we know that he will be great anyway" said Juno
"Wait your sister?" I asked. Juno smiled at me
"Yeah my sister is the head mistress since my mom retired early. Mom still is here just now she's the head of admissions." said Juno. I stared shocked at her,
"Mingyu the bath tub is broken again" I heard a black haired boy said and mingyu stood up
"Alright who did it this time" he asked
"This time" i asked
"It was me" said a light brown haired boy next to a sassy looking blonde boy.
"God dammit Hansol" he said
"Dont say the lords name in vain" another guy said
"Shut up Joshua" said a long haired boy.
~to be continued~
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