Chapter 1

"Will they let us out? We've been stuck here forever!"
Her Dark Blue Friend raised her turquoise eyes past her Book.
"I don't know, Dawn. Just remember : They promised they would bring us out to the world soon. You must believe them."
"I know, I know."
Dawn flopped into a cushion and picked up a brush. To her, her Friend's Purple, Orange and Red hair was too messy for her liking.
"Just think, Dusk. Just think how it would be. The valleys, the forests, the cities and Towns. The wide open skies, and Ponies upon Ponies to meet."
"I know, but we can't push them to far. Our mothers are too powerful. We don't know what would happen if we anger them."
"We are Powerful too. Why don't just ask them?"
"You can be the one to find that out."
They fell into silence for a bit, Dawn brushing Dusk's hair.
"How do you imagine Princess Twilight Sparkle?"
Dawn looked back up at her sister. "Hm?"
"Princess Twilight Sparkle. How do you think she looks like?"
"I don't know." Dusk looked back at her book.
"What about Princess Mi Amore Cadenza?"
"I don't know. All I know is, they're like us."
"I Picture them as Regal Ponies. Ones who care about their citizens but only pretend to like each other."
"But Princess Cadance is Princess Twilight's foal sitter. How could they?"
"I.. didn't really think that one, through."
The Door opened and Quickly closed, right before Celestia came into view. Dawn immeadiately stopped what he was doing and rushed over to her.
"Mom! How was your day?"
"It was well, Darling. How was yours?"
Dusk sighed. "Not Again!"
"I'm bored! There is nothing to do in here. I'm bored of Books and things here. I wanna spread my wings and feel the wind!" Dawn took off in a hover, just for Dramatic effect.
"She's been going on about this, all day long." Dusk complained, putting down her book. "She won't talk about anything but the outside world."
"Is That so?" Celestia gave a knowing look.
"I'm tired of all the books and stuffs to do in here." Dawn said. "You won't even let us learn Magic." She lowered herself to the ground.
"What about the books I just got for you?"
"Read them already."
"Do you want more?"
"No! I wanna go outside!"
"We told you we can't go! It's more of your safety than anything."
"What if we hid the fact? We've read stories about Ponies hiding their identities with cloaks and hats!"
"It doesn't work that way, Darling. If I could let you, I would."
Dawn dropped her head in defeat. "Okay! Fine.."
Celestia gave a small smile towards her Daughter, before making a pile of scrolls. "I actually came here to give you these. They're the small adventures Twilight and her friends have been on. I was hoping it would entertain you for a bit."
Dusk looked at the pile. "Don't worry, it's always good to have new thing to read."
Dawn also looked at the pile, but gave no indication that she cared. Celestia sighed before kissing both of her daughters on the forehead.
"Now be good. Luna should be in at any moment. Don't cause her any trouble."
"We won't. She is my mother. Bye!" Dusk called out to Celestia.
And with that, Celestia left.
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