Mangle meets olds. Old Foxy meets toys!

Old Foxy wake up all toys.
Mangle says: F-Foxy! N-o!
Old Foxy wake up Puppet
Puppet says : Hmm? Old Foxy! I FOUND YOU!
Old Foxy says : OH G-GOSH PUPPET YO-UR HERE??-?
Mangle says : Boys? What wrong??
Puppet says : I know him! He is create after Fredbear family dinner!
Old Foxy says: I dint Ki-dding Yo-u!
Puppet says : Well Purple guy put you at part & service?
Old Foxy say yes with the head
Mangle go see other for they meet Old Foxy.
Balloon Boy says : Hahahahaha Old Foxy friends Hahahaahahahaha hellow
Toy Freddy says : G-God Mang-gle. He is a f-ox like you!
Toy Bonnie says the same of Toy Freddy.
Toy Chica says : So jealousy. Ol-d Fox-xy is cute! M-angle i want b-be at your p-lace.
Mangle knowging he was cute.
Old Foxy says : Mangle! M-eet my Fr-iends. The Ooold
Mangle says okay with the head.
Old Foxy says : Tala! Th-ere is Ooold Fre-ddy. H-H-ere O-ld Bon-nie and H-ere Old Chi-ca.
All olds waking up and see Mangle
Old Freddy, Old Bonnie and Old Chica says : K-KILL H-IM OLD F-FOXY
Old Foxy says : No! S-she is m-my Fri-end!
Mangle says : Old F-Foxy is my Fri-end! Of cou-rse
Old Foxy says : Well. Good me-et! Im go see Pu-ppet!
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