Old Foxy and The Mangle

Toy Bonnie says: O-over here is M-M-Man-gle!!-!
Mangle see all child with sa smile!
Mangle says: Hi C-Child! W--
They are all broking Mangle.
Mangle is so sad.
She see something special to him. She do like a spider.
She up.
Toy Freddy says: God n-no Mangle! Im ssso s-sad for y-ou!
Toy Chica say the same of Toy Freddy.
When the child going away.
Puppet repear Mangle.
Mangle is extremly happy.
She walking on the wall and see a door wright : Part & service.
She opening the door.
She see Old Freddy, Old Bonnie and Old Chica.
Mangle say: Hi??
They are all on!
But Old Foxy wake up.
He see Mangle
Old Foxy says : Hey w-who are you? M-my na-ames is OldF-oxy.
Mangle says : Me Man-gle.
Old Foxy says : C-cute n-ame! Wanna Hangin-ouuut?
Mangle blushing and saying : S-sure! o///o
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